How to increase geoDataPlacemarker size in marbleWidget?
3rd Party Software
Hello, I have been working for a while with marbleWidget. I have managed to include a set of markers with custom icons but I am unable to find a way to change the size of said icons in the map. I have tried using GeoDataIconStyle.setScale() and GeoDataPlacemark.setZoomLevel() with no results (no matter what arguments I give the size remains the same, unless I specify setScale(1) in which case the icon occupies the entire map screen).
Here is the snippet of my code that handles the placemark:Marble::GeoDataDocument* document = new Marble::GeoDataDocument(); station = new Marble::GeoDataPlacemark(); Marble::GeoDataStyle *stationst = new Marble::GeoDataStyle(*station->style()); Marble::GeoDataIconStyle stationic = station->style()->iconStyle(); stationic.setIconPath("/home/pi/RVT/station.png"); stationic.setScale(1.5); stationst->setIconStyle(stationic); station->setName("Home"); station->setCoordinate(-3.741667, 40.353439, 0.0, Marble::GeoDataCoordinates::Degree); station->setStyle(Marble::GeoDataStyle::Ptr(stationst)); //station->setZoomLevel(18); station->setVisible(true); document->append(station); //document->setZoomLevel(0.1); mapWin->model()->treeModel()->addDocument(document);
I would appreciate a lot if someone could tell me how to change the size of my marker,