How to add tests to an existing project?
I would like to use Qt test or google test.
How does the folder structure look when a test is added to an existing project/ repository?
Do I just add a new Auto test project?
Are there any tutorials/ YouTube videos that explain the process of adding Qt tests/ google test to a Qt project using Qt Creator? -
@jkwok678 said in How to add tests to an existing project?:
E.g. All of the unit tests or just 1 of them ?
Is it doable like Java and Junit in the Intelij IDE?In Qt Creator in the top left corner expand the combobox that says "projects" and select tests to run them
What I mean is that the IDE has good support for JUnit, where I can click a button close to where I set breakpoints and run that particular test.
No as far as I'm aware
It seems a little messy in terms of project structure to have 1 auto test project for each class/file?
Is the 2nd way of doing things better?Qt Test is designed to be used 1-project-per-test. You can build around it but, believe me, the results are sub-par.
But when I tried to create mutltiple test projects, it's more like
MyProject/tests/QtTests/MapClassTestFolder structure has nothing to do with projects.
To test classesWindow
, you can create a folder structure like:- MyProject
- tests
- tst_window.cpp
- tst_canvas.cpp
- tst_map.cpp
- CMakeLists.txt
- tests
and the content of CMakeLists.txt would be:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9) find_package(QT NAMES Qt6 Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Test REQUIRED) find_package(Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} COMPONENTS Core Test Gui Widgets REQUIRED) macro(BasicTest TestName) set(targetName "tst_${TestName}") set(testProjectName "tst${TestName}") string(TOLOWER ${TestName} TestSourceFileName) add_executable(${targetName} "tst_${TestSourceFileName}.cpp") target_include_directories(${targetName} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) target_link_libraries(${targetName} PRIVATE Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Core Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Test Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Gui Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Widgets) set_target_properties(${targetName} PROPERTIES AUTOMOC ON AUTOUIC ON AUTORCC ON CXX_STANDARD 11 CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON ) add_test(NAME ${testProjectName} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:${targetName}>) endmacro() BasicTest(Window) BasicTest(Canvas) BasicTest(Map)
To add more tests just add 1 line at the end
- MyProject
Depending on how the project is structured you may have to move some stuff aground.
In any case, there's often a dedicated tests subfolder than will contain more subfolders to keep your test code cleanly separated.
Should I be adding the test code to my current classes?
Or should I be using the autotest project?
If I wanted to test my Window class method called convertMilesToMetres, should I do it this way with an auto test project?#include "window.h class WindowTest: public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: private slots: void initTestCase() { Window win = new Window; } void testConverter() { QCOMPARE(win.convertMilesToMetres(1), 1600); // compare two values } }; QTEST_MAIN(WindowTest) #include "windowtest.moc"
@jkwok678 said in How to add tests to an existing project?:
Should I be adding the test code to my current classes?
No, generally it's a bad idea. You could add special members that are needed for tests (e.g. getter methods for intermediate results you want to test) inside
blocks so you can exclude them in the deployed buildsOr should I be using the autotest project?
Yes, even more than one
If I wanted to test my Window class method called convertMilesToMetres, should I do it this way with an auto test project?
There is nothing magical inside tests, they are just normal C++ functions, treat them as such:
#include "window.h" class WindowTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void testConverter() { Window win; QCOMPARE(win.convertMilesToMetres(1), 1600); // compare two values } }; QTEST_MAIN(WindowTest) #include "windowtest.moc"
Even with this example.
If I make a new Auto test project with thisThere is nothing magical inside tests, they are just normal C++ functions, treat them as such: #include "window.h" class WindowTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void testConverter() { Window win; QCOMPARE(win.convertMilesToMetres(1), 1600); // compare two values } }; QTEST_MAIN(WindowTest) #include "windowtest.moc"
How can I run it with Cmake on build?
Also does it make sense to maybe not make a auto test poject, and just create a .cpp file with the exact same methods inside instead?
@jkwok678 said in How to add tests to an existing project?:
How can I run it with Cmake on build?
You don't run autotests on build but afterwards with e.g. 'make test' or in a jenkins job.
See also CMake documentation about add_test() -
Hmm, so what exactly would I need to start automated testing?
Coming from a Java and JUnit background, all I had to do was make a test class, and I could create a test configuration and run that and all the tests in the test class would run whenever I liked. Is this possible with Qt Test? -
If your are using CMake, the workflow is:
- call
- this crates the makefile/projectfile that the compiler/linker can digest
- call
(cmake --build .
for convenience)- to actually build the projects
- call
- this will run the tests that you added with
. You can run specific tests by specifying the-r name_of_the_test
- this will run the tests that you added with
- call
Am I able to run any test I want at any time?
E.g. All of the unit tests or just 1 of them ?
Is it doable like Java and Junit in the Intelij IDE?
What I mean is that the IDE has good support for JUnit, where I can click a button close to where I set breakpoints and run that particular test.
Also would just 1 test project be enough be multiple cpp test files?
It seems a little messy in terms of project structure to have 1 auto test project for each class/file?I imagined my test structure to be a little like
And inside here I can have a
. Along with aCMakeLists.txt
But when I tried to create mutltiple test projects, it's more likeMyProject/tests/QtTests/WidowClassTest MyProject/tests/QtTests/CanvasClassTest MyProject/tests/QtTests/MapClassTest
Each with their own
and aCMakeLists.txt
Is the 2nd way of doing things better? -
@jkwok678 said in How to add tests to an existing project?:
E.g. All of the unit tests or just 1 of them ?
Is it doable like Java and Junit in the Intelij IDE?In Qt Creator in the top left corner expand the combobox that says "projects" and select tests to run them
What I mean is that the IDE has good support for JUnit, where I can click a button close to where I set breakpoints and run that particular test.
No as far as I'm aware
It seems a little messy in terms of project structure to have 1 auto test project for each class/file?
Is the 2nd way of doing things better?Qt Test is designed to be used 1-project-per-test. You can build around it but, believe me, the results are sub-par.
But when I tried to create mutltiple test projects, it's more like
MyProject/tests/QtTests/MapClassTestFolder structure has nothing to do with projects.
To test classesWindow
, you can create a folder structure like:- MyProject
- tests
- tst_window.cpp
- tst_canvas.cpp
- tst_map.cpp
- CMakeLists.txt
- tests
and the content of CMakeLists.txt would be:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9) find_package(QT NAMES Qt6 Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Test REQUIRED) find_package(Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} COMPONENTS Core Test Gui Widgets REQUIRED) macro(BasicTest TestName) set(targetName "tst_${TestName}") set(testProjectName "tst${TestName}") string(TOLOWER ${TestName} TestSourceFileName) add_executable(${targetName} "tst_${TestSourceFileName}.cpp") target_include_directories(${targetName} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) target_link_libraries(${targetName} PRIVATE Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Core Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Test Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Gui Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Widgets) set_target_properties(${targetName} PROPERTIES AUTOMOC ON AUTOUIC ON AUTORCC ON CXX_STANDARD 11 CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON ) add_test(NAME ${testProjectName} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:${targetName}>) endmacro() BasicTest(Window) BasicTest(Canvas) BasicTest(Map)
To add more tests just add 1 line at the end
- MyProject
@VRonin said in How to add tests to an existing project?:
What's that?
Is that the class name in tst_window.cpp? -
@jkwok678 said in How to add tests to an existing project?:
What's that?
is the macro defined in the code snippet@VRonin said in How to add tests to an existing project?:
To test classes
@jkwok678 said in How to add tests to an existing project?:
So is what you said earlier, with 1 test project, and 3 test files optimal?
This is not 1 test project. 1 CMakeLists.txt can create multiple projects, in this case I'm creating 1 project for each class to test, I'm just doing it in a single CMakeLists.txt file
@jkwok678 said in How to add tests to an existing project?:
So everytime I want to test another class, I should create a new autotest project with Qt Creator?
No. Say you now want to test the class
. You'd add the fileMyProject/tests/tst_myclass.cpp
and appendBasicTest(MyClass)
to the snippet pasted above -
@jkwok678 Conceptually yes (Stackoverflow would say no because the technical terms you used are not very precise but high-level you got the concept)
If you don't want unnecessary pain in the future with cross-platform support, keep your .c/.cpp/.h,/.hpp etc files lower-case only