How to properly use the asynchronous libusb?
I worked on the synchronous libusb in my Qt project with good results and now I need the asynchronous features of this library. I understood reading here, here and here that, after I've registered my callback function using the libusb_fill_control_transfer and submitted a transfer with libusb_submit_transfer , I need to "keep live" the libusb_handle_events_completed inside a while loop to get the transfer related events since the libusb doesn't have its own thread. For example you can read a code like this
libusb_fill_control_transfer(transfer, dev, buffer, cb, &completed, 1000); libusb_submit_transfer(transfer); while (!completed) { libusb_handle_events_completed(ctx, &completed); }
Now if I want read a packet that I don't know when it occurs, I think that goes against the asynchronous nature submit a read and wait in the while with libusb_handle_events_completed until the event is triggered.
Then, do I need to create a separate thread within the libusb_handle_events_completed in an infinite while loop? Like
// I create the thread when the application starts QFuture<void> usbEventHandlerPoller; usbEventHandlerPoller = QtConcurrent::run( usbConnection, &USBConnection::PollUSBEventHandler, &threadAbortFlag ); // Here the cuncurrent thread with the infinite loop void USBConnection::PollUSBEventHandler( volatile bool* pThreadAbortFlag ) { int completed = 0; while ( 1 ) { libusb_handle_events_completed( NULL, &completed ); if ( *pThreadAbortFlag == true ) { return; } } }
Can anyone, with experience in the asynchronous features of libusb library, give some suggestions on the right approach to handle the transfer events?
I haven't used that feature but from the looks of it you should properly encapsulate your libusb code within a class. In this case likely a QThread subclass so you can implement the loop handling in the run reimplementation.