QPSQL unable to COPY large files
I'm trying to make a function for create a large table from file using COPY.
My function create the *.csv file properly.
After, my function generate the query, who calls to a postgres function that uses COPY command.This is the postgres function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION importar_copy( _nombretabla character varying, _ruta character varying) RETURNS boolean AS $BODY$ DECLARE texto text; BEGIN texto = FORMAT ('COPY %I FROM %s DELIMITER %s NULL AS ''NULL''', _nombretabla, quote_literal(_ruta), quote_literal(chr(9))); execute (texto); raise notice '%',texto; return true; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100;
Well, it's very curious (and very annoying) to see that looks as if the query executed from my application isn't not able to read so a large file, and looks as if it stop to read in any point of the file.
I think that the file and the query is OK because if I copy the query generate in Qt and I run it in pgAdmin, there are no problem.This is the snippet of Qt where I buid the file and after I try to execute the query:
QTextStream tConceptos; QFile file; if (tipo == SIMPLIFICADO) { file.setFileName("conceptos.csv"); file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); tConceptos.setDevice(&file); tConceptos.setCodec("UTF-8"); } --------------- (feeding the QTextStream) tConceptos<<"field"<<"\t"<<"field"<<"\t"<<......."\n"; ---------------- QString cadenaimportar = "SELECT importar_copy('" + tabla + "','/path/conceptos.csv',)"; QSqlQuery consulta(db); if(consulta.prepare(cadenaimportar)) { consulta.exec(); } qDebug()<<consulta.lastError()<<"--"<<consulta.lastQuery(); file.close();
I would like to know if I am doing anything wrong, or it is a limitation of Qt (QPSQL driver?) because I think that itsn't a problem of the csv files or queries, because I can execute the same queries without problems in pgAdmin.
Well, I have discovered my problem.
I was trying to read the file before closing it:QString cadenaimportar = "SELECT importar_copy('" + tabla + "','/path/conceptos.csv',)"; ...... file.close();
And it would be:
file.close(); QString cadenaimportar = "SELECT importar_copy('" + tabla + "','/path/conceptos.csv',)"; QSqlQuery consulta(db); if(consulta.prepare(cadenaimportar)) { consulta.exec(); } qDebug()<<consulta.lastError()<<"--"<<consulta.lastQuery();