cross-compile application with Qt which also uses OpenCV C++ on raspberry pi
In my application, I have two parts. one (entirely OpenCV C++, image processing where the output of it are two text files). Where another part is Qt (which uses two text files from the output of the first part and displays GUI). I wrote two projects using visual studio 2017(with qt) under one solution (two different main functions)Any help on how to cross-compile the application with Qt which also uses OpenCV on raspberry pi?
@ishi Check
It is way easier to cross compile from Linux instead of Windows. -
@jsulm Thank you, I checked it, my main concern is about cross-compiling the application with Qt which also uses OpenCV on the raspberry pi as I wrote two projects using visual studio 2017(with qt) under one solution (two different main functions)-> one uses OpenCV where other uses Qt.
@ishi Visual Studio is of no interest here as you cannot use it to cross compile to ARM Linux as far as I know. If your app is using OpenCV you will either need to install it on your RPi (including the -dev package) and sync the sysroot, or cross-compile it.