ValueError: could not convert string to float
Hello everyone, hope you are all well :). First i search in my database, i change the tuple into a list then i want change a list of string to a list of foat so i can manipulate the value.
I make the type in database in string i dont know if i have to change it, tell me ?
I dont know what is wrong, thanks in advance
the lists :
[('78,38',), ('100,40745',), ('90,75',), ('110,32',), ('89,6',)] ['78,38', '100,40745', '90,75', '110,32', '89,6']
the error :
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '78,38'
searchrol = "Isolation Thermique par l'Extérieur" cursor = db.cursor() result_5 = cursor.execute("SELECT prix FROM PU WHERE desig_pu= ? ", (str(searchrol),)) row_5 = result_5.fetchall() print(row_5) liste = [] my_list = [] for tupl in row_5: # initialisation de liste for i in tupl: liste.append(i) print (liste) # afficher la liste my_list = [float(i) for i in liste] #my_list = list(map(float, liste)) #print(type(liste[0])) print (my_list) BT = 113.2 BT0 = 113.4 row_actualise = [] for x in liste: y = x*(BT/BT0) row_actualise.append(str(y)) print(row_actualise) ![Capture.PNG]( ![Capture1.PNG](
@YassineKira This has nothing to do with Qt, this is a Python script issue
@YassineKira said in ValueError: could not convert string to float:
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '78,38'
You know that floating point numbers in Python (and all other programming languages I know) use a dot instead of a colon?!
So, 78,38 is NOT a floating POINT number! 78.38 is a floating point number. You should learn the basic stuff first... -
@KroMignon Well, i try to learn from anothers in every forum, sorry :), @jsulm Thank you Sir, you are a Life saver :)