Performance while overlaping windows on windows taskbar
I have a small app that recive udp packets and show the data on sevarl forms.I VERIFIED that the thread is running on different thread.
I have performance issui that i cant explain.
Im opening 3 ui form that do nothing.
Im reciving the udp data and do nothing with the data.
I printing the frame number that is send in data structure.
I calaculte the diff between the frame numbers(should be one becuase it integer that incremant every cycle).When i open the app, every thing is ok.
the problem
**when the forms is minimized, and i go to the taskbar, i put the mouse cursor on the app icon.
The forms is shown as small windows and i can move across the forms to choose one of the forms.
When i do this, i loose lots of Udp packets
Why? ** -
Which version of Qt are you using ?
On which version of Windows ? -
just a WAG, but check the settings in your windoze task manager. In there somewhere is a setting to balance CPU load between background and foreground tasks. See if adjusting it makes a difference. For a well written UDP listener it shouldn't matter but I don't know what your UDP service code looks like.
Its very simple app.
Controler thread.
Udp thread.I implemnted the basics to verify if it work.
The Controler thread open udp thread,
In the udp thread i use QUdpsocket with connect to readyread().
The data arrive contunusly.Currenylt the ui do nothing, the Controler do nothing.
When i will be infront of computer i will add the basic code.
All the thread is opend with moveToThread().
@Kent-DorfmanI tried to google "QUdpsocket priority",
I got many result that discribe my problem but without soultion.Many peopele have the same problem.
My felling is there is some problem. But i dont have enough knowledge to debug it.