Dynamically add combo box without resetting the previous selection
General and Desktop
Please help me with this. I am looking to dynamically add more Combobox to my view. The code works fine and adds a new Combobox on the click of the button.
However, when I add a new Combobox, the data in existing Comboboxes are reset to default. How do I just append another Combobox without resetting the earlier selected values. I will prefer not to save the existing values in some variable
Here is my code
import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 Page { id : somepageid property int modelList: 0 property int counter: 0 // Combobox Listmodel ListModel{ id: listmodel ListElement{ elem: "A" } ListElement{ elem: "B" } ListElement{ elem: "C" } } // Add more item to Listview function addMore(){ if(counter < listmodel.count){ counter++ modelList++ listid.model = modelList } } // Button Button{ id: testButton text: "Click to add Combobox" onClicked: { addMore() } } // Listview ListView{ id: listid model: modelList anchors.top: testButton.bottom height: listid.model * 40 delegate: Row{ ComboBox{ id: combo textRole: "elem" model:listmodel } } } }
@chilarai hi
ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 400 height: 550 title: qsTr("Ttile") ListModel { id: listModel } ListView{ model: listModel anchors.top: testButton.bottom height: parent.height delegate: Row{ ComboBox{ textRole: "elem" model: ListModel{ ListElement{ elem: "A" } ListElement{ elem: "B" } ListElement{ elem: "C" } } onCurrentIndexChanged: listModel.setProperty(index ,"value", currentIndex) } } } Button{ id: testButton text: "Click to add Combobox" onClicked: { listModel.append({"value":0}) } } }
Hi @chilarai . I note that most (if not all) of your queries are about QML/QtQuick. Where that is the case (like this one), it would be better for you & us if you chose to raise them in the QML and Qt Quick forum, rather than this General and Desktop one which is intended for widget and non-QML Qt topics.