QStackedWidget and adding new QGraphicsView to its pages
Hey everyone !
This is my first post here.. I am fairly new to Qt. I have been trying to develop a paint like application. All the basic features and user interface is pretty much ready. I am stuck with the functionality of layers.Basically , I have to create layers like the one in photoshop. I should be able to add , remove layers on clicking buttons/menu. I should be able to draw rectItems on each layer and apply different properties on each layer .
For the same purpose I need stacked Widget, mapped to a Tree view , and with every new page added , I need a new View and Scene to be displayed. I am able to add new pages to StackedWidget , and add the view to it. But the problem is every new page is not showing its own view. Its like they are sharing the same view. I want the view of 1st page to hold its own contents and view of 2nd page to have its own contents.I have derived custom View and Scene classes from QGRaphicsView and QGraphicsScene respectively. Also by clicking the item in QTreeView, the corresponding stackedPage should be displayed .
I am attaching screenshot of my application for better understanding. !Can anyone help me build the idea? Or help me with implementing this?
Sorry for such a long description. Just a newbie trying to explain the problem.Thank you for reading :)
we like long good descriptions here :)
I'm not 100% sure how layers would work with a QStackedWidget as then each layer would be like its own
document and not draw on top of each other.Did you see QGraphicsItemGroup ?
You could use that for layers as you can then hide/show all items that is on a layer.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18074798/layers-on-qgraphicsviewIn any case, if you want like separate documents, then show how you add the new
QGraphicsView and QGraphicsScene to a new page.
It should work fine but something must be up if that is not what you are getting. -
Hey !
Thanks for replying . I was thinking to make the stackedWidget transparent , that way I can see the items on every layer .. I am not sure about QGraphicsItemGroup , but I'll check that out !As of now, I added another Qt designer Form class (DrawingBoard) , in which I set up my GraphicsView and Scene , and then in mainWindow.cpp in the Add layer fucntion:
ui->stackedWidget->addWidget(new DrawingBoard);
which works fine ! I get a new fresh view & scene everytime I add a layer . But the new problem is , all my Menu and actions and functionalities are in mainwindow.cpp ! They dont seem to work with the selections in subsequent pages added via above code.
pen properties,brush properties, zoom , backgroundcolor , undo/redo , everything works just with the 1st view , which has been set up in mainWindow.cpp:
scene = new Scene(this); scene->setSceneRect(-800,-400,1600,800); view = new View(this); view->setScene(scene);
So , now I dont know how to make all the new Views & scenes accessible to mainWindow tools.
For example, I have pasted the part of the mainwindow.cpp code here:
void MainWindow::on_penWidthSpinBox_valueChanged(int arg1) { scene->setPenWidth(arg1); } void MainWindow::on_fillColorButton_clicked() { QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(Qt::cyan,this); if(color.isValid()){ QString fillcolorQss= QString("Background-color : %1").arg(color.name()); ui->fillColorButton->setStyleSheet(fillcolorQss); scene->setFillColor(color); } } void MainWindow::on_showGridCheckbox_toggled(bool checked) { view->setDrawGridLines(checked); } void MainWindow::on_centreSceneButton_clicked() { view->centerOn(QPoint(0,0)); }
Thank you for helping me out !
QStackWidget will hide/show the other pages so not sure even if transparent, it will work
as we would like.But lets talk about MainWindow functions
void MainWindow::on_penWidthSpinBox_valueChanged(int arg1) { scene->setPenWidth(arg1); } here we use the scene we have in main window but we want to affect the currents pages scene or view so i would add to DrawingBoard, some access function to allow gettings its scene and view. like getScene() and getView() that just returns its variables.
Then i would hook up
to a slot
and use getScene() and getView() from DrawingBoard to get the current view/scene
You could use 2 member variables in MainWindow
curSecne and curView
and from start set to the ones MainWidnow has
but when you then switch page, we set to others.void MainWindow::on_penWidthSpinBox_valueChanged(int arg1) { curScene->setPenWidth(arg1); }
so we use 2 variables to point to the scene or view that is active.
I hope this makes sense :)
@mrjj Hey ! Sorry for the late reply ! It was a long weekend !
This surely makes much more sense . I'll try this one out and let you know ! Thank you so much for helping me out
About stackedWidget , I'll look into it as well .. I think there might be some problems with transparency , because I did try it earlier and I didn't get desired results .
And I'll mark this solved as soon as I get this right ( in case I have any doubts while implementing it!)
Thanks again :) -
Good to hear. :)If the user can add or delete layers, it's pretty important you make sure
curScene/curView always points to something valid as else you get a nasty crash.