Qt BLE : Bonding and ble security
I'm developing a Qt application that communicates with a BLE device. It works perfectly until I tried to add some security. When I turned on "Just Works" security mode, I was not able anymore to write in a characteristic (or read) from my Qt application.
I compared the Bluetooth messages sent from Qt and from the android app nfr Connect and I see that automatically, the nrf Connect send a bonding request when it fails to write.
Qt does not do this. That the only difference that makes the android app working but not my Qt app.I could not find anything about bonding in the API or security mode settings.
Any idea ? Should I post it as a bug or am I missing something ?PS : I already saw this post but no reply...
Re: Qt Android: How to pair/bond Bluetooth Low Energy devices? -
See https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-86095 for further informations