set a property to a const QObject pointer C++ / QML
I'm trying to access a subclass element as a const pointer from QML (as I know I don't want to modify it from QML, just access const functions.. ). It seems to me that it should be a pretty normal workflow, but I can't find any working example and I can't get it to work.
Here is a small example.
qmlRegisterType<MainClass>("Test", 1, 0, "MainClass"); qmlRegisterUncreatableType<SubClass>( "Test", 1, 0, "Subclass", QStringLiteral("SubClass should not be created in QML") );
MainClass { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( const SubClass* sub_element READ sub_element CONSTANT ); public: const SubClass* sub_element() const { return &m_sub_element; } private: SubClass m_sub_element; }
import Test 1.0 Rectangle { property MainClass element property SubClass sub_element : element.sub_element }
Here everything is compiling. But when I run the code and try to call a function from
I have the following error :ReferenceError: sub_element is not defined
. If I remove theconst
everything is working fine, but I would rather not do that.If I remove the const from the Q_PROPERTY definition I obviously get a compilation error as I'm trying to convert a const element to a non const one.
Changing the way I'm registering the SubClass doesn't seem to change anything (I've tried with/without const).I know I can go with a non const pointer but I would really like to understand why I should have such a limitation..