Create a matrix from a .csv file
Ok then we need button to show dialog.
so add button
Right click it and goto slot.
Choose Released
Add the code. ( want me to show that ?) -
we need to add thi button to the main_window?
Where ever you want to open it from.
Main win sounds good.#include "GridDialog.h" void MainWindow::on_pushButton_released() { GridDialog dia; dia.exec(); }
Clicked = triggers when you click
Release = triggers when you release the left mouse button.
You can use any of them. -
Now run it and click button :)
I hope it shows something. -
thank, only one thimg, i get error with your code, i can use Griddialog = new griddialog(this);
griddialog ->show(); -
Mind the case
Griddialog = new griddialog(this); <<< that is not correct class name and u missed * and name
GridDialog * dia = new GridDialog (this);
GridDialog <<< class name
i get error, i have something to declare in main_window.h?
well you must have the GridDialog.h include file -
ii've done that
Then you must have missspelled something as that is all you need.
Show excact code and the error -
maybe i have to include something also in griddialog?
Creator did that when you promoted.Please show real error :)
This post is deleted!
Try a clean build.
It seems correct. -
Post 80 of 140