Qt Quick Controls 2 - How to grab the items contained in a TableView in images in order to print them?
QML and Qt Quick
I need to print the whole content of a TableView. How can I grab its items in images in order to print them?
I tried the following code, but no way, this doesn't work:
QList<QObject*> objects = m_pEngine->rootObjects(); QQuickItem* pItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(objects[0]->findChild<QObject*>("gvMessageGrid")); if (pItem) { QImage pImage = pItem->grabToImage()->image(); ...
The above code always return an empty image.
For info, here is the qml code for my TableView:
/** * Grid view item */ Component { id: itGridItem Item { width: gvMessageGrid.width height: itemTextID.height + 40 Rectangle { property int messageWidth: (gvMessageGrid.width / 2) - 50 id: itemRect x: senderIsMyself ? 25 : gvMessageGrid.width - (25 + messageWidth) y: 5 width: messageWidth height: itemTextID.height + 20 color: senderIsMyself ? "#d5d5d5" : "#800b940e" radius: 5 clip: true Text { id: itemTextID width: parent.width - 20 text: itemText renderType: Text.NativeRendering textFormat: Text.StyledText wrapMode: Text.WordWrap font.family: "Segoe UI Emoji" font.pixelSize: 18 anchors.margins: 10 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: parent.top color: "#101010" } } } } /** * Messages grid view */ ListView { id: gvMessageGrid objectName: "gvMessageGrid" y: 0 Layout.fillHeight: true flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter clip: true contentWidth: 700 contentHeight: 300 model: lmGridModel delegate: itGridItem ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { visible: true minimumSize: 0.1 } }
An important note: Please don't provide solutions involving Qt Quick Controls 1.x. I cannot use them, as they contain too many severe performance issues, and they aren't DPI aware. My company rejected them, so it's not a solution for me. Only Qt Quick Controls 2.0 are accepted.