How to start and stop QCamera
#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "unistd.h" #include <qdebug.h> MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); m_scene = new QGraphicsScene; m_item = new QGraphicsVideoItem; ui->graphicsView->setScene(m_scene); ui->graphicsView->scene()->addItem(m_item); camera = new QCamera(QCameraInfo::defaultCamera()); camera->setViewfinder(m_item); camera->setCaptureMode(QCamera::CaptureVideo); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } // On Start Button void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked() { camera->start(); } // On Stop Button void MainWindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked() { camera->stop(); }
I have above code to stream USB camera. Camera stream does not start on pressing "Start Button". Camera stream is displayed when I first press Stop button and then Start button. Multiple USB cameras are connected to my Linux system. I want select any one camera and start or stop stream. I do not want to record.
How to make it work correctly?
Hi @mit_cruze
The above code works fine, behavior is also as expected.
void MyCamera_Forum::on_pushButton_clicked() { camera->start(); // Start Camera & Streaming } void MyCamera_Forum::on_pushButton_2_clicked() { camera->stop(); // Stop Streaming }
Do you have any other warnings ?
And you can check for availableCameras under QCameraInfo
With the available devises you can specify which Camera you want to use.All the best.
Check the error() condition and state() to determine whether an operation is valid or if an error occured when you try to do something with your camera. Don't make assumptions about the state of the device.
@Pradeep-P-N On what Qt version did you test?
Qt 5.12.1 (Creator 4.10.1) & Qt 5.9.2 (Creator 4.4.1)And as said by @Kent-Dorfman
Did you check theerror()
QCamera::Error andstate()
QCamera::State of the camera ? -
@Pradeep-P-N Hi Pradeep Thanks for reply.
I have added debugs for Camera state, status and error. Also added output.
My pushbutton press sequence is 1) Start 2) Stop 3 ) StartDebugs:
// On Start Button void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked() { qDebug() << "before start camera->status(): " << camera->status(); qDebug() << "before start camera->state(): " << camera->state(); qDebug() << "before start camera->error(): " << camera->error(); qDebug() << "before start camera->errorString():" << camera->errorString() ; camera->start(); qDebug() << "after start camera->status(): " << camera->status(); qDebug() << "after start camera->state(): " << camera->state(); qDebug() << "after start camera->error(): " << camera->error(); qDebug() << "after start camera->errorString():" << camera->errorString() << "\n"; } // On Stop Button void MainWindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked() { qDebug() << "before stop camera->status(): " << camera->status(); qDebug() << "before stop camera->state(): " << camera->state(); qDebug() << "before stop camera->error(): " << camera->error(); qDebug() << "before stop camera->errorString():" << camera->errorString() ; camera->stop(); qDebug() << "after stop camera->status(): " << camera->status(); qDebug() << "after stop camera->state(): " << camera->state(); qDebug() << "after stop camera->error(): " << camera->error(); qDebug() << "after stop camera->errorString():" << camera->errorString() << "\n"; }
before start camera->status(): QCamera::UnloadedStatus before start camera->state(): QCamera::UnloadedState before start camera->error(): QCamera::NoError before start camera->errorString(): "" after start camera->status(): QCamera::LoadingStatus after start camera->state(): QCamera::ActiveState after start camera->error(): QCamera::NoError after start camera->errorString(): "" before stop camera->status(): QCamera::LoadedStatus before stop camera->state(): QCamera::ActiveState before stop camera->error(): QCamera::NoError before stop camera->errorString(): "" after stop camera->status(): QCamera::LoadedStatus after stop camera->state(): QCamera::LoadedState after stop camera->error(): QCamera::NoError after stop camera->errorString(): "" before start camera->status(): QCamera::LoadedStatus before start camera->state(): QCamera::LoadedState before start camera->error(): QCamera::NoError before start camera->errorString(): "" after start camera->status(): QCamera::StartingStatus after start camera->state(): QCamera::ActiveState after start camera->error(): QCamera::NoError after start camera->errorString(): ""
I have Qt 5.9.5 and Qt creator 4.5.2
Let you check with like this,
mCamera=new QCamera(this);
mCameraViewfinder=new QCameraViewfinder(this);
mCameraImageCapture=new QCameraImageCapture(mCamera,this);
mLayout=new QVBoxLayout;
mOpenMenu=new QMenu("OPEN",this);
mEncoderAction=new QAction("ENCODER",this);
mAction=new QAction("Capture",this);
mCaptureAction=new QAction("Save As",this);
ui->scrollArea->setLayout(mLayout);connect(mEncoderAction,&QAction::triggered,[&](){ mCamera->start(); }); connect(mAction,&QAction::triggered,[&](){ mCamera->stop(); }); connect(mCaptureAction,&QAction::triggered,[&](){ auto filename= QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this,"Capture","/","Image(*.jpg,*.jpeg)"); if(filename.isEmpty()){ return; } mCameraImageCapture->setCaptureDestination(QCameraImageCapture::CaptureToFile); QImageEncoderSettings imageEncodersettings; imageEncodersettings.setCodec("image/jpeg"); imageEncodersettings.setResolution(1600,1200); mCameraImageCapture->setEncodingSettings(imageEncodersettings); mCamera->setCaptureMode(QCamera::CaptureStillImage); mCamera->start(); mCamera->searchAndLock(); mCameraImageCapture->capture(filename); mCamera->unlock(); });