build2 as replacement for QBS
After QBS has been discontinued I find no discussions about the build2 build and packaging system which to me looks not only very promising but also incorporates some ideas of QBS. CMake may be a pragmatic choice today but it may actually be a very transitional solution.
I know build2 is not ready for production yet but I think it is not too far away except that a plugin for Qt specifics must be written for it. see build2 mailing list
You can also find some links to presentations here
What are your thoughts?
It might be of interest and would likely benefit from a plugin in Qt Creator. However the first step would be to have it build various Qt project types.
Note that cmake won't be transitional. It's going to be the build system of Qt 6 and thus it's going to stay like this for the whole Qt 6 lifetime at least. Just take a look at the lifetime of qmake.