Can I create a static library from QML and use that with my executable?
QML and Qt Quick
I have a CMake Qt project. It used to be qmake, but it's being slowly converted to CMake. I am trying to put some commonly-used QML into a static library and then allowing applications to link against this static library. Compiling and linking works, but I get run-time errors saying e.g. module "BCControls" is not installed.
The CMake for the static library is:
add_library(BCControls STATIC) qt5_add_resources(RESOURCES bccontrols.qrc) target_sources(BCControls PRIVATE ${RESOURCES} )
The application's CMake is:
add_executable(PerMain) qt5_add_resources(RESOURCES qml.qrc) target_include_directories(PerMain PRIVATE .) target_sources(PerMain PRIVATE ${RESOURCES} main.cpp PerMainApp.cpp ) target_link_libraries(PerMain PRIVATE Qt5::Core PrinterIF BQIF Properties AppData CommonBaseErrorDetectors BCControls )
Everything works fine if I put the bccontrols.qrc in the PerMain/CMakeLists.txt like this:
add_executable(PerMain) qt5_add_resources(RESOURCES qml.qrc ../../QtCommon/BCControls/bccontrols.qrc ) target_include_directories(PerMain PRIVATE .) target_sources(PerMain PRIVATE ${RESOURCES} main.cpp PerMainApp.cpp ) target_link_libraries(PerMain PRIVATE Qt5::Core PrinterIF BQIF Properties AppData CommonBaseErrorDetectors # BCControls )
Is it possible to use a static library in the way I'm trying to use it? If so, what am I missing?
When you are adding resources to a library, you need to init them manually.See the docs: