Matrix Algebra with <QVector<QVector<>>
Did you have a look at "the docs":
QMatrix was only there for 3x3 matrices. If that's everything you need, you could try using QTransform. For any other matrix operations, I would look for a more math oriented library. Qt only does the math required for GUI stuff as far as I know.
I wouldn't be using QVector<QVector<double> >, but rather write a custom matrix class. Maintaining a QVector of synchronized QVectors is rather a pain in the butt. Also you won't be able to feed the entire data buffer into some third party function.
Take a look at the "Eigen": library. I think it contains what you are looking for (and much more).
I did a "Matrix library":, that I use in my program Math Graphica. It has determinants, inverse, cofactor, transpose, adjugate, system of equations solving, line and colums swaping. Check the link, the files are matrix.cpp and matrix.h (matriz.cpp and matriz.h are deprecate)
Did noone else see "this": ?
You can use Armedillo:
Fast C++ matrix library with easy to use functions and syntax, deliberately similar to Matlab. Uses template meta-programming techniques.
You can download by follow link