Creating an object of QVideoWidget closes my mediaplayer app .
@umutgurbuz said in Creating an object of QVideoWidget closes my mediaplayer app .:
QVideoWidget *vw = new QVideoWidget;
This creates a local variable which is destroyed when it goes out of scope...
Now , I am creating it in the function that i am using it . I can see the list in my mediplayer.qml and pick the media that i want to play . Now , it closes when i click on the media name.
You should share more of your code. It's currently next to impossible to find out what is happening based only on your explanation.
Yes you are right , I should have thought of that .
This is the function in my mediaplayer.cpp
:```void Mediaplayer::playvideo(int num) { flag=1; vidplaylist->setCurrentIndex(num); if(player->state()==QMediaPlayer::PlayingState) { player->stop(); } QVideoWidget vw ; player->setVideoOutput(&vw); vw.setGeometry(100,100,640,360);; vidplayer->play(); }
this is my main.qml
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import qt.player 1.0 import QtQuick.Window 2.10 import idpasswd.qt 1.0 ApplicationWindow { id: root width: 640 height: 480 visible: true title:("Mediaplayer Login Page") Idpasswd { id: id } Idpasswd { id: passwd } Button { x: 40 y: 318 width: 97 height: 36 text: qsTr("Guest") onClicked: { var component = Qt.createComponent("guest.qml"); newone = component.createObject(rect);; } } TextField { anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -133 anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: -180 placeholderText: qsTr("User name") anchors.centerIn: parent onTextChanged: id.userName = text } TextField { x: 40 y: 167 placeholderText: qsTr("Password") anchors.horizontalCenter:parent onTextChanged: id.password=text } Rectangle{ x: 40 y: 256 width:97 height:36 id: rect Button{ text: qsTr("Enter") anchors.fill: parent property variant newone; onClicked: { if(id.checkLogin(id.userName,id.password)) { var component = Qt.createComponent("mediaplayer.qml"); newone = component.createObject(rect);; } else { console.log("Invalid id or password") } } } } Button{ x: 167 y: 256 text: qsTr("Change Password") font.pointSize: 8 "Times New Roman" focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus width:97 height:36 } }
And this is where i am trying to call the function in mediaplayer.qml.
ScrollView { id:mp4scroll x: 50 y:96 width: 250; height: 200 visible:false ListView { id:listmp4 model: player.createplaylistmp4() delegate: ItemDelegate { id:listdelegmp4 text: player.sendNamesvid(index) font.pixelSize: 10 onClicked: player.playvideo(index), playimage.source="qrc:/pause.png" } } }
@umutgurbuz said in Creating an object of QVideoWidget closes my mediaplayer app .:
QVideoWidget vw ; player->setVideoOutput(&vw); vw.setGeometry(100,100,640,360);; vidplayer->play(); }
I don't use any of this, so I hope I'm right:
ThatQVideoWidget vw
goes out of scope at the}
still references it. Kerplunk? -
What @JonB means is that the lifetime of your QVideoWidget ends at the end of the method because you are creating it on the stack. Thus you are passing a pointer to an object that gets destroyed.
The question is: why are you re-creating the QVideoWidget each time ?
I was actually creating it in my header file once but i wanted to see what changes when i create it in my method. The result is that when i create it in my header, it closes when i click the enter button that launches my mediaplayer.qml. When i create QVideoWidget in my method, it can launch my mediaplayer.qml but this time it closes when i pick the video on the window(scroll view list view part). What is the right thing to do ? Where and how should i create it ?
@sgaist The problem was the QGuiApplication in my main.cpp , i turned it to QApplication and it works fine.
And lastly what should i do to use my applicationwindow as my videowidget. I want my video to play on my app like normal mediaplayers, not to open another window for it. Thanks for your kind effort.
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