QOpenGLWidget and specific functions version ?
General and Desktop
I'm trying to set up my openGL to use specific version & get functions from it... So
//// Set format in constructor myGl::myGl(){ QSurfaceFormat format; format.setMajorVersion(4); //whatever version format.setMinorVersion(5); // format.setProfile(QSurfaceFormat::CoreProfile); QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat(format); } myGl::initializeGL(){ makeCurrent(); /// Just to be sure... mFunctions = new QOpenGLFunctions_4_5_Core(); //// specify functions version ? mFunctions->initializeOpenGLFunctions(); /// crash ? } //// FATAL: ASSERT: "QOpenGLFunctions::isInitialized(d_ptr)" in file c:\users\qt\work\qt\qtbase\include\qtgui\../../src/gui/opengl/qopenglfunctions.h, line 887 (c:\users\qt\work\qt\qtbase\include\qtgui\../../src/gui/opengl/qopenglfunctions.h:887, (null))
I wish to have the specific functions as member in order to pass it to my scene manager to get called from rather than inheriting QOpenGLFunctions_xx a number of times in different nodes...
Initially I tried this but this seems to not be compatible(?)
mFunctions = context()->functions(); or mFunctions = static_cast<QOpenGLFunctions_4_5_Core*>(context()->functions());
What am I doing wrong here?
I noticed that QOpenGLFunctions seems to not have some openGL calls, so I pass the specific version to all my nodes that needs access to it... unless ?
I followed this topic but seem to not work? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28235640/using-latest-opengl-functions-across-classes-in-qt-5-4