Clicking on the background of a ScrollView?
I have a QML ScrollView, with a flickable area inside of it that has a single Item inside of it. That item manages it's own size - so there is often an area of the background visible on screen.
In my full code, the item itself has other Rectangles and MouseAreas as children, and they all work fine, I can click them, drag them, etc.
I want to be able to perform an action when I click on the background of the scroll view, but I cannot make that work.
The following is a simple example is what I am trying to do. The red rectangle is the flickable item, the background is a green rectangle. The mouse area on the red rectangle works, but I cannot click the green rectangle.
Am I missing something obvious here?
I have tried a number of combinations of preventStealing, propagateComposedEvents.
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 Item { ScrollView { anchors.fill: parent ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AsNeeded ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AsNeeded background: Rectangle { color: "#00FF00" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent preventStealing: true onClicked: { console.debug("Clicked background!"); } } } Flickable { clip: true Rectangle { color: "#FF0000" width: 5000 height: 200 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { console.debug("Clicked Red!"); } } } } } }