I can't stop on breakpoints on 4.8.2
I know it seems to be a quite recurrent question but I tried to check lot of infos about this issue and I'm still looking for a solution (on Windows 10 using QTCreator 4.8.2).It's QtQuick project with C++ code.
If I look at my project settings, it seems to build with
Desktop Qt 5.12.1 MSVC 2017 64
So I guess it should use CDB.I've installed
CDB for QTCreator
but it's not detected inTools->Options->Kits->Debuggers
!?! I can only see:GNU gdb 8.1 for MinGW 7.3.0 64 bit
Is it normal?
Anyway, in
Project Settings->Run
I can see it executesc:\....\Qt\build-test-Desktop_Qt_5_12_1_MSVC2017_64bit-Debug\debug_test.exe
I have the options "CONFIG+=debug" "CONFIG+=qml_debug"
When I try toStart and Break on Main
, it starts but doesn't break on main
But in Debugger console I see messages such as:Called the itemSlot with value: QVariant(QObject*, QQmlTimer(0x1877a647a60)) ..\test\qml_api.cpp: 22
I can set breakpoints but it doesn't stop.
When I launch my application, I can see:
QML Debugger: Waiting for connection on port 49845...
And then messages from my app. I don't know if I'm supposed to see some response from debugger after the above message !?
So I suppose it may be because I do not use the right debugger but how to do make CDB available?
@ABponant said in I can't stop on breakpoints on 4.8.2:
I've installed CDB for QTCreator
How did you install it?
jsulm Lifetime Qt Championreplied to ABponant on 1 Apr 2019, 12:36 last edited by jsulm 4 Jan 2019, 12:36
@ABponant You can't install CDB with maintenance tool. You need to get "Debugging Tools for Windows/CDB" from Microsoft and install it.
See https://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-debugger-engines.html