How to display the images in GridView in descending order ?
QML and Qt Quick
Hi I'm trying to display images in descending order in GridView ?
The images that I need to display come from a local directory of captured images of my serial camera, What I want to do is to display in the GridView, the latest image that will be added in the local folder. Thank you in Advance for your help
This is my current code:
Rectangle { visible: true FolderListModel { id: folderModel nameFilters: ["*.jpg"] folder: "file:///E:/Camera-pics/camera" } Component { id: fileDelegate Image { width: gridView.cellWidth - 5 height: gridView.cellHeight - 5 smooth: true source: fileURL } } GridView { id: gridView anchors { fill: parent leftMargin: 5 topMargin: 5 } cellWidth: width / 2 cellHeight: height / 2 model: folderModel delegate: fileDelegate } }
Thank you in advance for your Help
I finally found the answer in my problem:
FolderListModel {
sortReversed: true