Binding to properties of properties
The docs don't seem to spell out what happens if you say something like
a: b.c
is a reference to an object that has ac
property. What I would hope for is:a
is bound tob
, so that when I pointb
to a new object,a
changes to the newb.c
is bound tob.c
, so that whenb.c
changes.- When I point
to a new object, the binding froma
to the oldb.c
is destroyed, and a binding to the newb.c
is created, so thata
follows changes to the newb.c
I would have thought this didn't work, since fixing up a whole bunch of bindings would seem too much to ask from the QML engine. But I wrote a simple test:
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 Window { visible: true width: 200 height: 100 title: "test" Rectangle { id: obj1 objectName: "obj1" color: "red" x: 0 width: 100 y: 0 height: 50 property int count: 0 Text { anchors.centerIn: parent text: parent.objectName + " = " + parent.count } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: ++parent.count onPressAndHold: = parent } } Rectangle { id: obj2 objectName: "obj2" color: "yellow" x: 100 width: 100 y: 0 height: 50 property int count: 0 Text { anchors.centerIn: parent text: parent.objectName + " = " + parent.count } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: ++parent.count onPressAndHold: = parent } } Rectangle { id: obj color: "cyan" x: 0 width: 200 y: 50 height: 50 property var target: obj1 Text { anchors.centerIn: parent text: + " = " + } } }
The red and yellow rectangles have counts that are incremented by clicking. The cyan rectangle shows the name and count of one of them. Long-pressing the red or yellow rectangle makes the cyan rectangle refer to it. When you do this, it appears that the binding to the old
is replaced with a binding to the newcount
.So it appears to work. Amazing.
But the reason I'm asking about this is that I'm doing this sort of thing in an application, and it's not working. When I change what object a
property refers to, bindings to subsidiary properties of that object are not fixed up. Does anyone know why this would work in some circumstances and not in others? I don't see any mention of this sort of thing in the docs about bindings. -
Please file a suggestion to fix the docs to Qt bugtracker.
I suspect (just a guess) that if you defined your object as
it would have worked. It's very possible that QML engine assumesvar
to be "plain" JavaScript that does not need any further binding checks.