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    3 Posts
    Axel SpoerlA

    …and on a side note: Qt 5.15 isn’t ideal to start developing a new app! Much better to start with 6.5!

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    11 Posts

    @Christian-Ehrlicher said in Dynamic XML documents instead of `.ui` files in Qt:

    @brainchild The uiloader is just a way to load xml files which in 99,9% are processed by uic and compiled directly instead. So adding this complexity to pass a DOM instead a simple QIODevice for the max. 0,1% use case is fine in my pov.
    Esp.since there is no need for a DOM and QtCore don't have a DOM class at all - QXmlStreamReader is perfectly fine for this simple task.

    The XML module has a DOM representation. Why would it not be sensible for a version to be provided of load() that processes a DOM representation from this module?

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    2 Posts

    @surajj4837 said in Deploy UI file on QNX:

    This step is not happening

    What does this mean please?
    Post error message or describe better what happens.
    Do you have CMake in your QNX SDK?

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    2 Posts

    @aria_aa said in how too add an exciting ".ui" file to a "cpp widget application project"?:

    What should I do?

    clean up the build directory run qmake rebuild project

    Should work, code looks good.

    And another question:
    what is #include "ui_window_no_000.h" and #include "ui_window_no_001.h" in cpp files?
    there is no file such as ui_window_no_000.h or ui_window_no_001.h in project.

    These files are automatically generated from your .ui files by uic. It's part of the build process in Qt, same as with it running moc to generate meta-object functionality.