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    Try something like this. Use the data method of index.

    bool CustomProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const
    const QModelIndex sourceIndex = sourceModel()->index(source_row, 0, source_parent);
    // Some how get the the role you require.
    const QString filterElement =;

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    4 Posts

    That's a brilliant and elegant solution!
    Thank you bro for spending your precious time with a newbie like me!

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    As stated in the OP, I know I can write specific getter/setter methods into my QAbstractItemModel subclasses.
    However, if that really was the only option then QML would be effectively useless for nontrivial data-driven applications as the data models cease to be a standard interface.

    Thanks, I hadn't thought of doing it that way.
    In Qt 5.4 you can do this if you set Q_INVOKABLE on QAbstractItemModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) and QAbstractItemModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) methods.
    I'm guessing this has been done for you in Qt 5.5.

    I have also found that in Qt 5.4 (and presumably 5.5) it's also possible to get there via a DelegateModel (often called a VisualDataModel in the documentation), as the DelegateModelGroup within that has a get(row) function that returns an Object through which you can access the data in the same way as in a QML Delegate.
    However, I haven't yet figured out when it reads the data from the underlying model.

    Thus, if the DelegateModel has only the default DelegateModelGroup:


    In this, myDelegateModel is a DelegateModel object (which may also be used as the model in a ListView, GridView or PathView), %row% is the row number and %role_name% is the role.
    Set myDelegateModel.rootIndex to the appropriate parent QModelIndex.

    PS: $Deity the documentation is beyond awful. So many links straight back to exactly where you are masquerading as a link to what the thing is.