@KillerSmath Its working! NOTIFY did the trick. The final touch that I also included was to use a Q_INVOKABLE getModuleAt(i) instead of a Q_INVOKABLE getTextBodyAt(i); this allowed me direct access to the DataModule's property:
Text{ text: dataModel.getModuleAt(index).TextBody }portion of datamodule.h:
class DataModule: public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString TextBody MEMBER textBody NOTIFY textBodyChanged) . . . signals: void newVal(DataPiece*); void textBodyChanged(QString newText);Q_INVOKABLE method inside of the QML context class datamodel.h:
Q_INVOKABLE DataModule *getModuleAt(int i);Brilliant! Thanks for the help mate. Hopefully this is helpful to others as well.