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    @dheerendra thanks! I had a feeling that was the case, but QSortFilterProxyModel is a very interesting discovery! I used it a few times but humh... I will look into that more! Thanks! If you have any suggestions/tutorials/read please shoot away, bit lost atm as to what to look for there.

    @Eeli-K Yep, I subclass QAbstractItemModel & created my own treeItem from the ground up so I have full control over these 2 entities. I Extended QtreeView with some "helper" handlers of my data/model but that's it. Did not touch QModelIndex to me its black magic ;- ) Will think about solving that internally somehow. If I were to redirect the read of some widgets, what would I need to extend more? index/data/row functions? Hmm I need to think about it more. Getting some lightbulbs slowly here but I wonder if it's backward. Atm, I'm thinking that each of the virtual functions I had to overload would have to return native model data 1st and once that's done, return the instanced model/items data... uhhh getting complicated humhhhh humhhh humhhhh interesting. Thanks!


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    Stefan Monov76S

    Thanks but I got a working answer here.