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    @mrjj said in Creator does not acknowlegde saving of file AndroidManifest.xml:

    AndroidManifest.xml is not acknowledged by creator

    expected this already.

    Just to be sure i understand. Its flagged as dirty with * and even saving it
    will not make it not dirty ? (for Creator)


    Do you have a small sample to test with ?
    If others can reproduce, its clearly just a Creator bug.

    In the mean time I have done testing. Restarting of creator will solve the problem.

    Also I remembered that it occured after I have changed one of the application icons.

    That is the trigger. After changing the application to a new file, the star in creator remains. The Manifest is stored and also the icon file has been changed.

    Can you verify?
    You would need an android setup for this.

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    I got two normal harddisks (c: and d:). I am working on c: and have basically everything there. The d disk is some data and there is the pagefile on d: in case this matters. No SSD yet.

    I got windows storage spaces, but compiler, Qt stuff and source are on c:.
    I got veraCrypt with one drive letter and a couple network mappings, if they are qualifying as windows storage spaces at all. But this is been in use for some time without problems. Also all activity is directly on c: without such mappings.

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    29 Posts

    @koahnig said in set<int> in Qt creator and debugger:

    E.g. are there conflicts through the various files holding settings?

    There might be, you will probably at least need to reconfigure the project's kits (i.e. deleting the *.pro.user files). I'd try to load them directly first though, it might work fine.

    @koahnig said in set<int> in Qt creator and debugger:

    The same problem there.

    It's the same data structure, so no surprise at all, indeed.