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    10 Posts

    @UvQtcYZJuD7J5VW7 said in QByteArray to LabVIEW Byte Array conversion:

    I need to include Labview extcode.h

    Yes, that's right.

    and when I include it, I get errors about my compiler (platdefines.h doens't recognize my compiler when I'm in Qt Creator).

    Then you just need to address the error.

    If you use MSVC, it will work fine out-of-the-box.

    If you want to use MinGW, you can modify platdefines.h and add these 2 lines to define your compiler:

    ... #elif defined(__GNUC__) // <-- Add this #define Compiler kGCC // <-- Add this #else #error "We don't know the Compiler" #endif
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    7 Posts

    i before write my code to this method 369 book:

    void WeatherBalloon::sendDatagram() { QByteArray datagram; QDataStream out(&datagram, QIODevice::WriteOnly); out.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_4_3); out << QDateTime::currentDateTime() << temperature() << humidity() << altitude(); udpSocket.writeDatagram(datagram, QHostAddress::LocalHost, 5824); }

    But we want to connect UDP processing data to GUI app, it can not read QDataStream Method and it Crashs. The app is written in C#,So we should try a method that work with VisualStudio.
    Agian Than kyou for attention
    best regards stackprogramer