Did you managed to use QAndroidServiceConnection?
I also created ServiceConnection class inherits from QAndroidServiceConnection and implements onServiceConnected but i'm getting the following error:
No implementation found for void org.qtproject.qt.android.extras.QtNative.onServiceConnected(long, java.lang.String, android.os.IBinder) (tried Java_org_qtproject_qt_android_extras_QtNative_onServiceConnected and Java_org_qtproject_qt_android_extras_QtNative_onServiceConnected__JLjava_lang_String_2Landroid_os_IBinder_2)
The "bindService" method returned success.
I'm using Qt version 6.5.1 and my service is java based and my main activity is Qt c++ code.
I'm trying to bind between both of them so my service could use my main activity API.
Hope you can help me with that, I have tried all without success.