Gradle Build with CMake, Android App
Hi everyone,
I'm new to Qt Creator and QML (as you can tell from this being my first thread!).
To get straight to the point—I started developing an Android app using CMake, and everything was going smoothly until I needed to integrate a package for button layouts in the Android UI. It turns out that Gradle is required for this, but now I'm struggling to install Gradle in my Qt Quick app. It seems like CMake might be causing some kind of conflict, but I'm not sure why.
Additionally, I’m not sure if Gradle automatically installs the necessary files or if I need to add them manually. I also don’t know how my directory should be structured when integrating Gradle.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
I'm not very familiar with cmake, as I mostly work on legacy qmake projects, but I think you can go to the projects tab in QtCreator, scroll down to Android BuildSteps and click on add templates to the project.
That should add the android/gradle templates that get used to compile for android to your project tree, and those you can change yourself
@J-Hilk Didn't understand your comment at first as I been searching where the Build Steps are located. But after watching a video on Youtube, now I do , thank you :)!