picture locations
So, I am reading through the PDF book about QML and have got to the point where a triangle, box and circle picture are used.
the image addresses fail to load any image. I actually tried searching for the image files but didn't come up with anything. So I created my own and put them in the same folder as the QML files, still they fail to load.
I have looked this up and find that I am not alone, but the answers range from, "just put the path to the files relative or absolute" to needing to set something up that I am not yet familiar with.
So, what do I do?
Which book would that be ?
Which example ?
Usually, for application images, the Qt Resource system is used to embed the files in the binary. -
Page 89: Simple Transformations
This cade does not work, it throws errors like: QML ClickableImage: Cannot open: qrc:/qt/qml/Qt_Quick_Application/img/triangle.png
that address does not exist, at least the qrc:/qt/qml/ is new to me. -
I have not look at the book. But do you understand that a "path" starting withqrc:
means that it is an embedded Qt resource file, as per @SGaist above? You will not find that as an external file in your actual file system, rather you will have designed it to be embedded in your executable. Which I can only presume the book will have shown you. -
I am vaguely aware of the resource file after I started looking into the issue. I still have not found enough information to set things up. No the book says nothing about the resource system.
The resources chapter in the documentation is there to help you.
Is there anything else I am supposed to do other than create the resources file that links the pictures?
I have set it up from scratch. This is my main.qml code:
import QtQuick
Window {
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
title: qsTr("Hello World")Image { source: "://triangle.png" }
There is no longer an error when I run it saying that it cannot load the image. but the window is empty.
Well I got it to work, regrettably the revered manual is a steaming pile of.........! assuming what I did is right as every person on YouTube has a different way of doing it.....
What did you do to fix your issue ?
There was a similar question the other day and this was what I said:
I recall having to try a few things when I first wanted to do this a few years ago. I don't know if what I arrived at is the "correct" approach, but the format that I found to work in QML and have stuck to ever since involves using a triple forward slash like this:
source: "qrc:///images/my-image.png"
As it's something that keeps popping up, I'd be interested to see some clarification on this from experts. I don't know if QML introduces any quirks above and beyond what is described in the resources chapter in the docs, which does not explicitly mention QML.