Can't dynamically update CandlestickSeries in QtCharts
QML and Qt Quick
import QtQuick 2.15 import QtCharts 2.15 Rectangle{ width: 400; height: 400; radius: 40; property alias series: series; ChartView{ id: chartView; anchors.fill: parent; title: "Candlestick Chart"; legend.visible: false; antialiasing: true; CandlestickSeries{ id: series; increasingColor: "green"; decreasingColor: "red"; function updateData(){ series.clear(); console.log("updateData called"); for (var i = 0; i < stockProvider.stockData.length / 10; i++) { console.log(stockProvider.stockData[i].timestamp); var candlestick = Qt.createQmlObject( "import QtQuick 2.15; import QtCharts 2.15; CandlestickSet { " + "timestamp: " + stockProvider.stockData[i].timestamp + "; " + "open: " + stockProvider.stockData[i].open + "; " + "high: " + stockProvider.stockData[i].high + "; " + "low: " + stockProvider.stockData[i].low + "; " + "close: " + stockProvider.stockData[i].close + "; " + "}", series ); series.append(candlestick); console.log(stockProvider.stockData[i].open); } } } } }
This is how I tried to update the CandlestickSeries dynamically but it doesn't work. I had console.log the data for debug purposes and they are all present. For some reason the graph remains blank. Can someone help me please?
import QtQuick 2.15 import QtCharts 2.15 Rectangle{ width: 400; height: 400; radius: 40; ChartView{ id: chartView; anchors.fill: parent; title: "Candlestick Chart"; legend.visible: false; antialiasing: true; CandlestickSeries{ id: series; increasingColor: "green"; decreasingColor: "red"; VCandlestickModelMapper{ id: modelMapper; model: candleStickModel; timestampRow: 1; openRow: 2; highRow: 3; lowRow: 4; closeRow: 5; onModelChanged: { console.log("Candlestick series data model updated"); } } } } }
QVariant CandleStickModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid() || index.row() >= _candleStickData.size()) { return QVariant(); } const class ::CandleStickData *candle{}; switch (CandleStickRoles(role)) { case TimestampRole: return candle->timestamp(); case OpenRole: return candle->open(); case CloseRole: return candle->close(); case HighRole: return candle->high(); case LowRole: return candle->low(); default: return QVariant(); } return QVariant(); }
I tried using a VCandlestickModelMapper but it still doesn't work. Where did I go wrong please?