Is openssl 3.4 android library build available ?
From the Qt documentation , it is found that prebuild OpenSSL android libraries can be directly taken from how to verify if the openssl version available in this page ? Its written ssl_3. I need the latest openssl (version 3.4.0). Is the precompiled OpenSSL android libraries for version 3.40 is available ?
@Parvathy2020 You should ask. But downloading prebuilt libraries from such sources is dangerous (especially for security relevant stuff like OpenSSL).
@jsulm yes, I understand the security aspect.
But Qt official documentation only mentioned about getting the prebuild libraries from :
Actually since I am working in windows machine , its bit lengthy process to build the OpenSSL android libraries manually from the openssl source code. (Qt doc says, If your development platform is Windows, you need msys with perl 5.14 or later to build OpenSSL.)
So was just trying to understand if there is any alternative/direct /simpler way.
Ok Thanks @jsulm , As suggested by you, I have built the openssl library files from the source code.