After running a program containing the Qaxwidget control for a period of time, there are records indicating that the interface becomes stuck. Monitoring the notify of QApplication, the receiver->objectName for mouse click events is empty
General and Desktop
Maybe you can steal back to the focus by muting the control, say by calling disableEventSink on it.
this is my class inherits from QAxWidget.
class MyChildQaxWidget : public QAxWidget { public: MyChildQaxWidget ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) : QAxWidget (parent) { this->setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus); this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_ShowWithoutActivating); this->disableClassInfo(); this->disableEventSink(); } MyChildQaxWidget ( const QString & c, QWidget * parent = 0 ) : QAxWidget (c,parent) {} protected: void mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) override { setFocus(); clearFocus(); QAxWidget::mousePressEvent ( e ); } void showEvent(QShowEvent* event) override { return QAxWidget::showEvent(event); } void hideEvent(QHideEvent* event) override { this->clearFocus(); return QAxWidget::hideEvent(event); } };
What COM object are you hosting in your MyChildQaxWidget?
If it's something like Internet Explorer, you might be better off using Qt's WebEngine instead. -
@hskoglund Thank you for your reply. This control was created by a third-party company through dumppp.exe.
Here is the code I used.class MyChildQaxWidget : public QAxWidget { public: MyChildQaxWidget ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) : QAxWidget (parent) { this->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_ShowWithoutActivating); this->disableClassInfo(); this->disableEventSink(); } } MyChildQaxWidget* QaxWid2 = new MyChildQaxWidget(); flyResultQaxWid2->setControl(QString::fromUtf8("{313241A6-62F9-464B-BEDE-F514827E2F22}")); flyResultQaxWid2->dynamicCall("GetObjectPointer()");