Qt 6.8 Visual Studio 22 VS Addin
Installation and Deployment
Hello everyone,
I have a little challenge.
I can actually create and compile programs with Visual Studio and QT without any problems.
However, problems arise with all tools under C:\Qt\6.8.0\msvc2022_64\bin.
Linguist hangs after a few minutes. The inAPP Designer does not open at all. Also lrelease does nothing successfully.
However, the tools under C:\Qt\6.8.0\mingw_64\bin work. So I can use it as an external designer, and the linguist also works.
However, as Visual Studio uses the respective tools from the kit, I cannot create a translation qm file from the translation file. Nothing happens.
It seems to me that a runtime or dll is missing for the msvc2022 tools.
Does anyone have similar problems, a tip or a solution?