Qt Kits error MSVC and MINGW in Qt-6.6.0
I have installed Qt Opensource via Windows command line interface using command
C:\Users\User\Downloads\qt-unified-windows-x64-4.7.0-online.exe --mirror http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/download.qt.project.org --root C:\Qt\ --accept-licenses --default-answer--confirm-command install qt.qt6.670.win64_msvc2019
The installation was success but i am an error with Kits MSVC and MINGW
For both Kits there is some error i have tried selecting between Options like Debug and Release but could not able to understand where things are going wrong. Attaching screen shots for both the kits below
For MSVC when hovered on the Yellow Icon the following is seen and i also observed C & C++ compilers were not pre-configured
Unable to understand why CMAKE settings stuff is being shown in am familiar with earlier version - 5.9.5 where i remember used Build Steps -> qmake (somethings like this).
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance !!
Rohith.G -
CMake project configuration failed means that you need to take action.
In the bottom list at 1 Issues you have 4 issues that should shed some light on what happened.
CMake configuration output is located in the 9 General Messages pane.
The MinGW toolchain should work out of the box, since it's part of the Qt SDK.
Visual Studio requires external configuration. If you have Visual Studio 2019 (or 2022) installed check in Preferences > Kits > Compilers the status.
Visual Studio does update their C++ compiler pretty often, sometimes Qt Creator needs a Remove All followed by a Re-detect so that it picks up the updated Visual C++ compilers.
Unfortunately the screenshots do not contain the necessary information to find out what is going on...
Hello @cristian-adam ,
Can you please let me know what screenshot's or additional information you need for understanding in detail ?
It's the
content of General Messages. You can clear the content before running Build > Run CMake. -
Ronel_qtmasterreplied to Rohith on 3 May 2024, 21:18 last edited by Ronel_qtmaster 5 Mar 2024, 21:18
@Rohith Hi. To have cmake to work for your project in this case , just unset the command CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE_BEFORE and try again.
For visual studio Kit, just install microsoft visual studio 2019 build tools.
Hope it helps