I'm back with a GPU.. Qt Creator still not working
@JoeCFD said in I'm back with a GPU.. Qt Creator still not working:
qttools5-dev-tools was already installed as a dependency from something else.
@JoeCFD I think I found a couple other threads with the problem I am having.
I don't think it's to do with the install at all really. Rather, Qt is failing to interpret the small sample file and the rendering is messed up because it is confused about how large the window is. The error "item could not be created" on the window is the key I think.
Anyone who solved it seemed to switch from "Use fallback emulation layer" to "Use QML emulation layer that is built with the selected Qt" in Edit->Preferences->Qt Quick->Qt Quick Designer. I just don't quite know how it works or what to set it to yet.
Some people have run qmlpuppet on its own and seen if it has errors. Will try tomorrow.
So I just found this bug report, last reported in February!https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-30202
Qt recommends to use Qt Design Studio! But it's not the same?? To my knowledge Design Studio doesn't even support adding signals and slots.
UPDATE: This is so very confusing... I found this page:
He says you need to build in release for the Designer to work so I did a release build but that didn't work for me. Then he says you need to set the QML emulation layer, which I was kind of on to.... but set it to what?? he doesn't say!
@Mlibu Ok well I thought I had figured it out with this forum comment:
So I thought I needed to change the 'qml emulation layer' to the directory that holds qml2puppet which I found under QtQuickDesigner directory. But that didn't work either.
I also tried the puppet in /usr/share/qtcreator/qml/qmlpuppet/qml2puppet and that didn't work either.
I think I need to resign myself to the fact that there is no possible combination under which this will work for me. I have exhausted every measure I can find. I will either do QML by hand or use Design Studio.
It's a funny thing this problem. There are a few comments out there that Qt Creator is a piece of sh%t and they can't get it to work and they are just going to use something other than Qt and they basically have the same problems I have. Then there is a youtube video of someone having it work fine from 2023. I don't know how this all adds up, but this is taking time from other important work that I have.
I did ./QtDesignStudio/qt6_design_studio_reduced_version/bin/qml2puppet-4.4.0 --test
It looks fine. All libraries there and loaded.
After this I also tried to remove build directories and start a new project but it still doesn't work. There are just so many conflicting comments and instructions I don't know what to do any more.
Please, please.. if anyone can figure out what my problem may be, I would love to hear the answer. But I have had to put way too much time into this.
I'm going to tuck my tail between my legs and go back to Manjaro KDE now. I'll leave a small partition to test other OSes with if anyone has any other ideas.
@Mlibu what if you download and install design studio apart from Qt?
@Ronel_qtmaster Yes design studio works but I wanted the designer in qt creator rather than design studio.
@Mlibu in qt6 design studio is the official designer for qml
@Ronel_qtmaster I was under the impression that qt creator was better for integrating with C++ and design studio was more for standalone QML.
@Mlibu said in I'm back with a GPU.. Qt Creator still not working:
@Ronel_qtmaster I was under the impression that qt creator was better for integrating with C++ and design studio was more for standalone QML.
Create a qt quick project in qtcreator. Open it in qt design studio for visual editing and qml coding. Learn what makes sense to do with qml and javascript and when to use c++. It is designed to work together.
It's all in the documentation.
@Tink So just ignore the fact that qt themselves say that design studio is for people who just work with qt and don't use developer tools?
If you only design UIs and don't neeIf you only design UIs and don't need the developer tools, you can install the stand-alone Qt Design Studio package. It contains all the Qt modules and tools you need to design UIs and preview them on the desktop. The Qt Quick code is automatically generated for you, and you can deliver it to developers for implementing the application. Developers can open the project in a developer tool called Qt Creator.d the developer tools, you can install the stand-alone Qt Design Studio package. It contains all the Qt modules and tools you need to design UIs and preview them on the desktop. The Qt Quick code is automatically generated for you, and you can deliver it to developers for implementing the application. Developers can open the project in a developer tool called Qt Creator.
Also if there is a place in the documentation where they explain how to work with qml exported from design stidio? I see the robot arm tutorial and it says how to export but not how to interact with the code from c++. I know how to export c++ objects to the qml engine but i have never seen an end to end example of the whole thing. Whereas there are examples of how to do it with qt Creator.
@Mlibu said in I'm back with a GPU.. Qt Creator still not working:
@Tink So just ignore the fact that qt themselves say that design studio is for people who just work with qt and don't use developer tools?
If you only design UIs and don't neeIf you only design UIs and don't need the developer tools, you can install the stand-alone Qt Design Studio package. It contains all the Qt modules and tools you need to design UIs and preview them on the desktop. The Qt Quick code is automatically generated for you, and you can deliver it to developers for implementing the application. Developers can open the project in a developer tool called Qt Creator.d the developer tools, you can install the stand-alone Qt Design Studio package. It contains all the Qt modules and tools you need to design UIs and preview them on the desktop. The Qt Quick code is automatically generated for you, and you can deliver it to developers for implementing the application. Developers can open the project in a developer tool called Qt Creator.
Also if there is a place in the documentation where they explain how to work with qml exported from design stidio? I see the robot arm tutorial and it says how to export but not how to interact with the code from c++. I know how to export c++ objects to the qml engine but i have never seen an end to end example of the whole thing. Whereas there are examples of how to do it with qt Creator.
I'm not sure what you mean by: " So just ignore the fact that qt themselves say that design studio is for people who just work with qt and don't use developer tools?" Do you have a source? Perhaps you mean that qml ui design is more aimed at designers?
As for the other questions i'm not going to do your research for you. Just study the qtcreator and design studio manual and qml documentation.
@Tink I pasted the source. "If you only design UIs and don't need the developer tools, you can install the stand-alone Qt Design Studio package".
They say that Design Studio is only for people who don't need developer tools. I need developer tools. For example, if Design Studio doesn't know about C++ and Creator doesn't know about QML, how can they make a signal/slot from one to the other? How can you with with a C++ object that you register into the engine?
I searched on this and found a SO question about it and the answer is that Design Studio is just for UI design. I tried to go to the document that they refer to but it is a 404.
This is why I thought it would be best to get Qt Creator working.
I'm not sure how I should "research" this. I have already searched the Qt Documents and youtube for tutorials. It seems that the Qt docs either talk about Qt Creator or Qt Design Studio. It says "design studio closes the designer to developer gap" a lot but there are no examples of actually doing so and it seems you have to look at their projects. Even on youtube there is only one video that encompasses QML design and C++ on the same project. I even searched Udemy for a course but mostly everything is Qt5. I'm used to open source stuff having a lot more information available with a lot of people making videos and a lot of step by step tutorials. It's kind of the spirit that you not have to pay for courses in order to learn it.
@Mlibu said in I'm back with a GPU.. Qt Creator still not working:
@Tink I pasted the source. "If you only design UIs and don't need the developer tools, you can install the stand-alone Qt Design Studio package".
They say that Design Studio is only for people who don't need developer tools. I need developer tools. For example, if Design Studio doesn't know about C++ and Creator doesn't know about QML, how can they make a signal/slot from one to the other? How can you with with a C++ object that you register into the engine?
I searched on this and found a SO question about it and the answer is that Design Studio is just for UI design. I tried to go to the document that they refer to but it is a 404.
This is why I thought it would be best to get Qt Creator working.
I'm not sure how I should "research" this. I have already searched the Qt Documents and youtube for tutorials. It seems that the Qt docs either talk about Qt Creator or Qt Design Studio. It says "design studio closes the designer to developer gap" a lot but there are no examples of actually doing so and it seems you have to look at their projects. Even on youtube there is only one video that encompasses QML design and C++ on the same project. I even searched Udemy for a course but mostly everything is Qt5. I'm used to open source stuff having a lot more information available with a lot of people making videos and a lot of step by step tutorials. It's kind of the spirit that you not have to pay for courses in order to learn it.
So your source is a SO post from someone who is just as confused as you are and then you interpret the answer incorrectly... well let me also give you a source and lets see how you interpret that:
https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquick-codesamples.html#developing-qt-quick-applications -
I thought this was what I was looking for:https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtdoc-tutorials-alarms-example.html
But that uses Qt Creator so it is out of date.
A link I found off of your second link is close
But it doesn't talk about the ui.qml files that Design Studio makes either, only a regular QML file. It's ok I will fill in the blanks as I go.
@Mlibu said in I'm back with a GPU.. Qt Creator still not working:
I thought this was what I was looking for:https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtdoc-tutorials-alarms-example.html
But that uses Qt Creator so it is out of date.
A link I found off of your second link is close
But it doesn't talk about the ui.qml files that Design Studio makes either, only a regular QML file. It's ok I will fill in the blanks as I go.
It's not out of date if it uses creator. In fact that is what you want for application development instead of ui design only. Since you have problems with the quick designer plugin and the recommended tool is design studio anyways, you want to use both creator and design studio. Good luck and have fun.
@Tink Ok but the whole point to starting this thread is to find out how to use the plugin. From what you just said, creator is different so Design Studio is not an alternative. I have tried the plugin on OSes officially supported by Qt and they don't work so what can I try next?
@Mlibu said in I'm back with a GPU.. Qt Creator still not working:
@Tink Ok but the whole point to starting this thread is to find out how to use the plugin. From what you just said, creator is different so Design Studio is not an alternative. I have tried the plugin on OSes officially supported by Qt and they don't work so what can I try next?
You cannot use the plugin, it give you crashes. Luckily you can use design studio not only as an alternative but as the default recommended tool. Of course you also need to use q tcreator. You must use both tools. Good luck and have fun.
@Tink I guess I'm just surprised that for something that has obviously had an enormous amount of energy put into it and is so polished in so many areas, no one knows how to get this working. There must be some requirement that is not documented or something, and if I knew what that was I would get a system that could run it. Or maybe just replace a CPU. I thought that the kernel and OS was generally supposed to abstract differences in hardware, and my card should be supported and there is no 3d acceleration required here anyway. I've never encountered a problem where I couldn't get something to work like this before, save for things that were no longer under active support.
@Mlibu , You are so right. I have created applications just using the Qtcreator tool and python before . Now Qtcreator is just so buggy. If the plugin is there and is used quite prominently. It should work properly, at least for the new project that Qt itself creates , with default settings.
Design Studio doesn't solve my problem as well, I can't use it as a replacement for Qt creator. I need to be able to design and code the app .