Failing to build Qt 6.6.2 from source on Windows 10 with MinGW64 compiler
@cristian-adam Thanks for pointing that out. As mentioned by your comment, I was using an incompatible version of minGW. I then downloaded the compatible MinGW and added to PATH
Attempt # 5 for building on windows
- Cleared out the build folder and ran the configure.bat like the following:
PS C:\Users\kyrlon\Downloads\qt-everywhere-src-6.6.2\build> ..\configure.bat
Ran the command
cmake --build . --parallel
Got a bunch of errors stating that it could not remove certain files with what it looks likemingw-32-make.exe
: -
Ran the command
cmake --build . --parallel
Got a bunch of errors again this time failing at 10% with just Error2:
Attempt # 6 for building on windows
Decided to use ninja to see if there is any difference with a different build tool added since it was recommended, but not required. Downloaded ninja v1.11.1 and added to PATH
- Cleared out the build folder and ran the configure.bat like the following:
PS C:\Users\kyrlon\Downloads\qt-everywhere-src-6.6.2\build> ..\configure.bat
- Ran the command
cmake --build . --parallel
Got a bunch of no outputs generated. Eventually got a FAILED:
FAILED: qtmultimedia/src/plugins/multimedia/windows/CMakeFiles/QWindowsMediaPlugin.dir/qwindowsintegration.cpp.obj
Here is a log output for this attempt:
This error is similar to Attempt #4, and I am not sure why this file would be missing. -
Qt 6.6.2 is being released with a MinGW build.
At I can see a qtmultimedia 6.6.2 integration.
windows-10_22h2-mingw11 raw log has:
agent:2024/02/10 00:14:45 build.go:795: Executing instruction 59 of 97 - ExecuteCommand agent:2024/02/10 00:14:45 build.go:427: [\Users\qt\work\install\bin\qt-configure-module.bat \Users\qt\work\qt\qtmultimedia -- -DFFMPEG_DIR=C:\ffmpeg-n6.1\build\mingw\installed -DFEATURE_native_grpc=OFF -DCMAKE_IGNORE_PREFIX_PATH=C:/strawberry/c -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache] 1h40m0s 20m0s false false agent:2024/02/10 00:14:45 build.go:404: 'C:\Users\qt\work\install\bin\\qt-cmake-private.bat' '-DFFMPEG_DIR=C:\ffmpeg-n6.1\build\mingw\installed' '-DFEATURE_native_grpc=OFF' '-DCMAKE_IGNORE_PREFIX_PATH=C:/strawberry/c' '-DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF' '-DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE=ON' '-DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=STATUS' '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache' '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache' '-DQT_INTERNAL_CALLED_FROM_CONFIGURE:BOOL=TRUE' 'C:/Users/qt/work/qt/qtmultimedia' agent:2024/02/10 00:14:48 build.go:404: -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.2.0 agent:2024/02/10 00:14:51 build.go:404: -- The C compiler identification is GNU 11.2.0 agent:2024/02/10 00:14:51 build.go:404: -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info agent:2024/02/10 00:14:52 build.go:404: -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done agent:2024/02/10 00:14:52 build.go:404: -- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/MINGW1120/mingw64/bin/g++.exe - skipped agent:2024/02/10 00:14:52 build.go:404: -- Detecting CXX compile features agent:2024/02/10 00:14:52 build.go:404: -- Detecting CXX compile features - done agent:2024/02/10 00:14:52 build.go:404: -- Detecting C compiler ABI info agent:2024/02/10 00:14:52 build.go:404: -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done agent:2024/02/10 00:14:53 build.go:404: -- Check for working C compiler: C:/MINGW1120/mingw64/bin/gcc.exe - skipped agent:2024/02/10 00:14:53 build.go:404: -- Detecting C compile features agent:2024/02/10 00:14:53 build.go:404: -- Detecting C compile features - done agent:2024/02/10 00:14:53 build.go:404: -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD agent:2024/02/10 00:14:53 build.go:404: -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Success agent:2024/02/10 00:14:53 build.go:404: -- Found Threads: TRUE agent:2024/02/10 00:14:54 build.go:404: -- Performing Test HAVE_STDATOMIC agent:2024/02/10 00:14:54 build.go:404: -- Performing Test HAVE_STDATOMIC - Success agent:2024/02/10 00:14:54 build.go:404: -- Found WrapAtomic: TRUE agent:2024/02/10 00:14:57 build.go:404: -- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE was set to: 'RelWithDebInfo' agent:2024/02/10 00:14:57 build.go:404: -- Checking for feature set changes agent:2024/02/10 00:14:57 build.go:404: -- CMAKE_STRIP (original): C:/MINGW1120/mingw64/bin/strip.exe agent:2024/02/10 00:14:57 build.go:404: -- Performing Test strip --keep-section agent:2024/02/10 00:14:58 build.go:404: -- Performing Test strip --keep-section - TRUE agent:2024/02/10 00:14:58 build.go:404: -- CMAKE_STRIP (used by Qt): C:/Users/qt/work/qt/qtmultimedia_build/./bin/qt-internal-strip.bat agent:2024/02/10 00:14:58 build.go:404: -- Could NOT find ALSA (missing: ALSA_LIBRARY ALSA_INCLUDE_DIR) agent:2024/02/10 00:14:59 build.go:404: -- Could NOT find AVFoundation (missing: AVFoundation_LIBRARY) agent:2024/02/10 00:14:59 build.go:404: -- Could NOT find GLIB2 (missing: GLIB2_LIBRARIES GTHREAD2_LIBRARIES GLIB2_INCLUDE_DIRS) agent:2024/02/10 00:14:59 build.go:404: -- Could NOT find GLIB2 (missing: GLIB2_LIBRARIES GTHREAD2_LIBRARIES GLIB2_INCLUDE_DIRS) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:00 build.go:404: -- Could NOT find GLIB2 (missing: GLIB2_LIBRARIES GTHREAD2_LIBRARIES GLIB2_INCLUDE_DIRS) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:00 build.go:404: -- Could NOT find GLIB2 (missing: GLIB2_LIBRARIES GTHREAD2_LIBRARIES GLIB2_INCLUDE_DIRS) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:00 build.go:404: -- Could NOT find MMRendererCore (missing: MMRendererCore_LIBRARY) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:00 build.go:404: -- Could NOT find MMRenderer (missing: MMRenderer_LIBRARY) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:01 build.go:404: -- Could NOT find WrapPulseAudio (missing: PULSEAUDIO_LIBRARY PULSEAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIR WrapPulseAudio_FOUND) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:02 build.go:404: -- Found WMF: C:/MINGW1120/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/libstrmiids.a agent:2024/02/10 00:15:02 build.go:404: -- Performing Test HAVE_EGL agent:2024/02/10 00:15:02 build.go:404: -- Performing Test HAVE_EGL - Failed agent:2024/02/10 00:15:02 build.go:404: -- Could NOT find EGL (missing: EGL_INCLUDE_DIR HAVE_EGL EGL_LIBRARY) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:03 build.go:404: -- Found FFmpeg: libavcodec.a;libavformat.a;libavutil.a;libswresample.a;libswscale.a found components: AVCODEC AVFORMAT AVUTIL SWRESAMPLE SWSCALE agent:2024/02/10 00:15:03 build.go:404: -- Could NOT find VAAPI (missing: VAAPI_VA_FOUND VAAPI_DRM_FOUND VA DRM) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:03 build.go:404: -- Performing Test evr.h agent:2024/02/10 00:15:06 build.go:404: -- Performing Test evr.h - Success agent:2024/02/10 00:15:06 build.go:404: -- Performing Test Vivante GPU agent:2024/02/10 00:15:07 build.go:404: -- Performing Test Vivante GPU - Failed agent:2024/02/10 00:15:07 build.go:404: -- Performing Test Video for Linux agent:2024/02/10 00:15:07 build.go:404: -- Performing Test Video for Linux - Failed agent:2024/02/10 00:15:07 build.go:404: -- Performing Test wmsdk.h agent:2024/02/10 00:15:10 build.go:404: -- Performing Test wmsdk.h - Success agent:2024/02/10 00:15:10 build.go:404: -- Performing Test Linux DMA buffer support - Failed because EGL::EGL not found agent:2024/02/10 00:15:10 build.go:404: -- Performing Test HAVE_DASH_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS agent:2024/02/10 00:15:11 build.go:404: -- Performing Test HAVE_DASH_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS - Success agent:2024/02/10 00:15:11 build.go:404: -- Performing Test HAVE_DASH_DASH_NO_UNDEFINED agent:2024/02/10 00:15:11 build.go:404: -- Performing Test HAVE_DASH_DASH_NO_UNDEFINED - Success agent:2024/02/10 00:15:12 build.go:404: -- Could NOT find EGL (missing: EGL_INCLUDE_DIR HAVE_EGL EGL_LIBRARY) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: -- Could NOT find VAAPI (missing: VAAPI_VA_FOUND VAAPI_DRM_FOUND VA DRM) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: -- Generated QtModulePlugins.cmake files for the following modules: Multimedia agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: -- The following packages have been found: agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6BuildInternals (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6CoreTools (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6Core (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Vulkan agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6GuiTools (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6Gui (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6Network (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6Svg (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6WidgetsTools (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6Widgets (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6QmlTools (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * WrapVulkanHeaders agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6Quick (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6QuickTest (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6QuickControls2 (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6Quick3DTools (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6ShaderToolsTools (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6Quick3D (required version >= 6.6.2) agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6 agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * WMF agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * FFmpeg agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: -- The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found: agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * Qt6QmlCompilerPlusPrivate agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * ALSA agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * AVFoundation agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * GStreamer agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * MMRendererCore agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * MMRenderer agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * PulseAudio agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * WrapPulseAudio agent:2024/02/10 00:15:13 build.go:404: * EGL, A platform-agnostic mechanism for creating rendering surfaces for use with other graphics libraries, such as OpenGL|ES and OpenVG., <> agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: * PkgConfig agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: * VAAPI agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: -- Configuration summary shown below. It has also been written to C:/Users/qt/work/qt/qtmultimedia_build/config.summary agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: -- Configure with --log-level=STATUS or higher to increase CMake's message verbosity. The log level does not persist across reconfigurations. agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: -- Configure summary: agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: Qt Multimedia: agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: Spatial Audio .......................... yes agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: Spatial Audio (Quick3D) ................ yes agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: Low level Audio Backend: agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: ALSA (experimental) .................. no agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: PulseAudio ........................... no agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: MMRenderer ........................... no agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: CoreAudio ............................ no agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: Windows Media SDK .................... yes agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: Open SLES (Android) .................. no agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: Web Assembly ......................... no agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: Plugin: agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: GStreamer 1.0 ........................ no agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: FFmpeg ............................... yes agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: MMRenderer ........................... no agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: AVFoundation ......................... no agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: Windows Media Foundation ............. yes agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: Hardware acceleration and features: agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: Video for Linux ...................... no agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: VAAPI support ........................ no agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: Linux DMA buffer support ............. no agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404: VideoToolbox ......................... no agent:2024/02/10 00:15:14 build.go:404:
Doing a search on Jira points to which might have information which would help.
@cristian-adam Thanks for the response. I have not seen my error/bug so I created a new issue
@kyrlon said in Failing to build Qt 6.6.2 from source on Windows 10 with MinGW64 compiler:
and I am not sure why this file would be missing.
Because the path is to long. Use a shorter source and build path and blame MS.
@kyrlon It could be that the path is too long for the MinGW GCC.
At I have a bugreport with a workaround to make gcc accept long paths:
I've used the manifest tool from Visual C++ (mt.exe) to inject this manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <!-- Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation --> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <windowsSettings xmlns:ws2=""> <ws2:longPathAware>true</ws2:longPathAware> </windowsSettings> </application> </assembly>
with the command line:
mt.exe -nologo -manifest "cc1plus.exe.manifest" -outputresource:"cc1plus.exe;#1"
Ninja requires the same treatment, see
@cristian-adam I am not too familiar with this. Do I run this in the minGW bin? I do not have a
on my system. -
Attempt # 7 for building on windows
Decided to use ninja that had fix in it, so I compiled from source on windows and replaced with new ninja in PATH
- Cleared out the build folder and ran the configure.bat like the following:
PS C:\Users\kyrlon\Downloads\qt-everywhere-src-6.6.2\build> ..\configure.bat
- Ran the command
cmake --build . --parallel
Got another output fail due to missing header:
C:/Users/kyrlon/Downloads/qt-everywhere-src-6.6.2/qtmultimedia/src/multimedia/windows/qwindowsmediadevices_p.h:19:10: fatal error: qplatformmediadevices_p.h: No such file or directory 19 | #include <qplatformmediadevices_p.h> | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated.
Attempt # 8 for building on windows [SUCCESS!!]
Trying the suggestion by Christian Ehrlicher, and decided to build in the
path directly, but this required a terminal with ADMIN priv.- Cleared out the build folder and ran the configure.bat like the following:
PS C:\qt6\build> ..\configure.bat
- Ran the command
cmake --build . --parallel
SUCCESS! - Ran the command:
PS C:\qt6\build> cmake --install .
No issues and everything was installed.
This attempt appears to be successful, but I'm not sure if trying to build from source every time from different machines would allow me to always have access to
. -
@kyrlon said in Failing to build Qt 6.6.2 from source on Windows 10 with MinGW64 compiler:
allow me to always have access to C:.
You can also build in your user home folder like c:\users\USER_NAME\QT_BUILD_FOLDER
@jsulm Good point. In general, I am aware that this is a Windows problem, but tampering with registry keys to disable the character path limit is not the ideal solution for different systems in use. Since I don't do much development on Windows, I was just wondering if this was a gcc or cmake limitation?
@kyrlon said in Failing to build Qt 6.6.2 from source on Windows 10 with MinGW64 compiler:
Since I don't do much development on Windows, I was just wondering if this was a gcc or cmake limitation?
Because the path is to long. Use a shorter source and build path and blame MS
Already answered two days ago...
@jsulm said in Failing to build Qt 6.6.2 from source on Windows 10 with MinGW64 compiler:
Too long paths is a Windows limitation
Not quite. Windows has support for long paths (>255 characters) since Windows 10 version 1607 released on August 2015.
But the applications need to opt-in in order to use the new functionality.
It's a tooling problem:
- Ninja - Is fixed but waiting for an official release (1.12)
- GCC - Not fixed.
- Visual C++ - Not fixed.
- moc - Fixed since Qt 6.5.
- make - Not fixed, but forgot to open a bug report.
- clang - Works out of the box.
- cmake - Works out of the box.
So on Windows if you take llvm-mingw and a patched ninja you would be able to compile with clang and Qt 6.5+ just fine.
@cristian-adam said in Failing to build Qt 6.6.2 from source on Windows 10 with MinGW64 compiler:
But the applications need to opt-in in order to use the new functionality
Well, yes. But you can also see it as on OS problem if user has to do something special just to be able to use long paths. And I think this is a system wide setting and not per-application.
Attempt # 9 for building on windows
Tried your suggestion, but got the same error of missing file of
- Cleared out the build folder and ran the configure.bat like the following:
PS C:\qt6\build> ..\configure.bat
- Ran the command
cmake --build . --parallel
Buikld stop with missing header file:
I used the version of llvm-mingw:
version of ninja used:
PS C:\Users\kyrlon\Downloads\qt-everywhere-src-6.6.2\build> ninja --version 1.12.0.git
@jsulm said in Failing to build Qt 6.6.2 from source on Windows 10 with MinGW64 compiler:
You can also build in your user home folder like c:\users\USER_NAME\QT_BUILD_FOLDER
Another alternative is to use a virtual drive using the subst command. I might make this attempt later.
Attempt # 10 for building on windows [SUCCESS!!]
Started from scratch by re-downloading the source and used the
command to make a new path to build with.- Created a virtual drive to avoid the PATH length limit:
subst a: .\qt-everywhere-src-6.6.2\
- created the build folder and ran the configure.bat like the following:
PS a:\build> ..\configure.bat
Ran the command
cmake --build . --parallel
Ran the install command afterwards
PS a:\build> cmake --build . --parallel
No issues and everything was installed.
C Cesar referenced this topic on