Legal support query
Hello somebody,
I have a suggestion about this software iTubeGo.
You can download this software for Windows from here:
If you check the its software license. It does not mention Qt licenses or copyrights. Same for the ffmpeg. (I'm getting in touch with the group to query).
All title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE(including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, and text incorporated into the SOFTWARE), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE are owned by iTubeGo Studio or its suppliers. The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material, and may not remove or conceal any proprietary notices, labels or marks from the Software.
It uses Qt5 without any mention of the software license.
You can check the libraries included in this project from here:
I think this is illegal. I will ask for ffmpeg project, OpenGL, GLESv2, widevine...
This is the list of the main directory of this project:
Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\iTubeGo Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 bearer d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 chrome_1610 d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 iconengines d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 imageformats d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 images d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 OneClickedType d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 platforms d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 position d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 printsupport d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 qss d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 resources d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 sqldrivers d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 styles d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 translations d----- 21/02/2024 11:42 widevine -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 1167864 7z.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 319480 7z.exe -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19136 api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 18624 api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 18624 api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 18624 api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 22208 api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 18624 api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 18624 api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 18624 api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19136 api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19136 api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19136 api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 21184 api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19136 api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 18624 api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19648 api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 20672 api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19136 api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 18112 api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 18112 api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 18624 api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 20672 api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19136 api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19648 api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 18624 api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 18624 api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19648 api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 22720 api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19136 api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 20672 api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19648 api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19136 api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 29376 api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 26816 api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 73408 api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19648 api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 23232 api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 24768 api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 24768 api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 21184 api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 19136 api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 3819512 curl.exe -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 3731960 d3dcompiler_47.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 1080656 dbghelp.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 32940552 ffmpeg.exe -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 32830472 ffprobe.exe -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 468472 itg-key.exe -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 20005928 itubego-dl.exe -a---- 21/02/2024 11:42 1 iTubeGo.dat -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 3793912 itubegow.exe -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 2580472 libcrypto-1_1.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 3808248 libcrypto-3.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 42488 libEGL.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 2970104 libGLESv2.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 2316792 libprotobuf.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 557048 libssl-1_1.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 652280 libssl-3.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 1230840 libx265.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 440120 msvcp140.dll -a---- 11/10/2022 19:27 22952 msvcp140_1.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 16022520 opengl32sw.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 5448184 Qt5Core.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 5714936 Qt5Gui.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 1042936 Qt5Network.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 284152 Qt5Positioning.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 288248 Qt5PrintSupport.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 3026936 Qt5Qml.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 374776 Qt5QmlModels.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 3539960 Qt5Quick.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 88568 Qt5QuickWidgets.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 85496 Qt5SerialPort.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 183800 Qt5Sql.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 284152 Qt5Svg.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 127992 Qt5WebChannel.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 81981432 Qt5WebEngineCore.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 223224 Qt5WebEngineWidgets.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 4502008 Qt5Widgets.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 193528 Qt5Xml.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:15 557048 QtWebEngineProcess.exe -a---- 28/12/2023 14:16 39928 snvrfy.dll -a---- 28/12/2023 14:17 270328 spdlogCore.dll -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 900288 ucrtbase.dll -a---- 21/02/2024 11:42 46461 unins000.dat -a---- 21/02/2024 11:42 2571233 unins000.exe -a---- 05/07/2022 12:05 83792 vcruntime140.dll -a---- 17/08/2023 13:48 38336 vcruntime140_1.dll
@sincorchetes This is user forum. If you want to tell QtCompany about this issue you should contact them directly.
So far, I have only used the LGPL version of Qt. However, I believe that nothing in the commercial license is forcing you to disclose the use of Qt. It most likely depends on the Qt license they are using if they are doing something illegal. FFmpeg would be a different story, though, as most of the library is only available under the GPL or LGPL.