Js function running so slow in qml6
I'm currently working on a line chart and trying to generate a random series of points for it. I wrote some js codes in order to generate a random series for my line chart but when I want to generate 17000 points or even more , my code runs so slow and it takes about 1 minute to generate the series for my line chart. I don't know if I'm writing inefficiently in js or should I write it in a separate thread ?
ChartView { id: centralLineChartView legend.visible: false antialiasing: true anchors.fill: parent axes: [ ValuesAxis { id: xAxis min: 0 max: 1000 } , ValuesAxis { id: yAxis min: -130 max: 10 } ] Component.onCompleted: { var series = centralLineChartView.createSeries(ChartView.SeriesTypeLine , "Series" , xAxis , yAxis); series.color = Qt.rgba(Math.random() , Math.random() , Math.random() , 1); series.hovered.connect(function(point, state{console.log(point);}); for(var i = 0; i <= 1000; i ++){ var y = Math.random() * (-120 - (-95)) +(-95); series.append(i , y); } } }
Please let me know if I have to provide more code .
It is slow because you are doing many individualappend()
s, and Qt Charts is poor at that, speed-wise. Read the discussion in https://forum.qt.io/topic/140576/qt-charts-extremely-slow-qlineseries. Backed up by https://forum.qt.io/topic/145620/chartview-is-too-slow and others. Consider the workaround there: build the points into a JS list and usereplace()
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@JonB I just did but it didn't work properly and no series has drawn into the chart. Did I do anything wrong ? According to the document , this
function only accepts numerical values not a whole list , right ?Component.onCompleted: { var series = centralLineChartView.createSeries(ChartView.SeriesTypeLine , "Series" , xAxis , yAxis); series.color = Qt.rgba(Math.random() , Math.random() , Math.random() , 1); series.hovered.connect(function(point, state) {console.log(point);}); var pointsList = []; for(var i = 0; i <= 17000; i ++){ var y = Math.random() * (-120 - (-95)) +(-95); pointsList[i] = Qt.point(i,y); } series.replace(pointsList); }
If you call "series.append(i , y)" I think that you call the paint event for each append.
try with
var pointsList = new Array(17000), it creates an array wih 17000 empty records ,assign points, than you should creates ChartView with already array.
I neve tested but should be a good point. -
this replace() function only accepts numerical values not a whole list , right ?
Sorry, I don't know what this means.
Your code looks reasonable to me. I don't use QML. From my recollection of JS it is OK to just extend an array by assigning to higher indexes. But the example I pointed to showedfor i in self.x: points.append(QPointF(i, self.y[i])) # filling points with my prepared data serie1.replace(points) # fill list of points in one call
so I don't know why you didn't just use that. Or pre-allocate per @piervalli 's suggestion. Per the references others have found this works for them, and reduces the time dramatically, that's all I know.