Unable to input Chinese (Chinese characters) ?
@Jonix-King You can derive a custom Edit widget from QLineEdit, replace the subclass original QLineEdit, and solve Chinese input.
@Jonix-King 是不是无法在Qt界面中唤出中文输入法?如果是Linux平台可能和fcitx之类的输入法框架相关,印象中输入法是由输入法框架唤起的
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-107139 -
After testing, the issue of unable to input Chinese still exists in 6.5.2, this is my test project.
https://github.com/188080501/JQWeb -
Will the bug fix of https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-107139 fix "accents" input in Linux desktop?
In Windows they work well, something like "é" works just fine, but in Linux they don't work, it will just display "e".
This in a QLineEdit.
In a portuguese keyboard "é" is inputted with '´' followed by 'e'.
If this issue is not related please let me know and I will create a separate bug for it. @lorn-potter
@JasonWong 我已经绝望的放弃WASM了~~~
估计修复最早也要6.5.4版本,但是我看还有几个分支没合并进去,这几天也没动静,估计又要等。我现在项目里work around就是调用web原生的输入框,就是操作起来有点麻烦。 -
@JasonWong This is an english forum so please write in english or in the chinese subforum.
@Christian-Ehrlicher The issue with Chinese input has not been fixed, which means some of the most basic functionalities of the programs are not met. In some cases, it is even impossible to input numbers and English. This makes it difficult to promote the wasm platform. I recommended it to my friends, and the common feedback is that it is unusable until this issue is resolved. The reported bugs have not been fixed and have not been merged into the dev or 6.5.4 versions. I wonder when it can be fixed, and I hope the official website can fix it as soon as possible.
Really? This is so exciting
I'm going to install the experiment right away -
Confirmed:Qt6.8.1, it's finally possible to input Chinese.
Thanks for all. -