Error in uiplugin .pro file Qt 6.4.3
Then you did not install the apporpriate Qt uitools development package- I would guess (since you did not tell us how you installed Qt).
@Christian-Ehrlicher I'm on Linux Debian 11 and to install Qt 6.4.3 I used qt-unified-linux-x64-4.5.2-online(1).run from Qt Open Source site
@giorgik63 Sorry, it is the first time for me to see this module name. My bad. Check this out. -
@JoeCFD I also created this plugin under Windows 10 and it works great. Now I wanted to use the same code for Debian. However, I noticed that the Qt wizard for creating the Qt Designer plugin puts me instead:
QT += designer widgets svg
instead of uiplugin (as described in the example on the Qt site) use designer.
@JoeCFD Finally I managed to solve the problem. It was enough to use designer instead of uiplugin. Then I had to verify that the right Qt 6.4.3 library was being used from the Projects tab and from the Kits. So to test the plugin I used the Qt Designer version based on Qt 6.4.3 creating a new form of the same type created automatically by Qt Creator and copied it into the test project directory. Now everything is fine.
I then did another test by recreating the whole project using the new Qt 6.5.1 libraries and it worked here too. So always remember to check that you are using the right library version and the right Qt IDE based on that library. -