[Solved] Gsoap with nokia Qt SDK problems
Yes, there's an alternative to gsoap, with much better Qt integration: KDSoap.
It features a WSDL to C++ code generator, qmake integration, and many other things (sync and async calls, RPC and document mode, etc.)
There is QtSOAP, a SOAP client library from Qt Solutions:
http://doc.qt.nokia.com/solutions/4/qtsoap/index.htmlIt cannot generate C++ code for the client side bindings, but it is fairly easy assemble the SOAP message yourself and parse the response. If you do not have to query a lot of different or complicated web services, it might be worth a try for its simplicity.
I have accomplished it at time when I was desperate to use web services from Qt Nokia app. now when I got sometime so i wrote a wiki page "this":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/how_to_use_gsoap_with_Qt_for_webservice_client . that might not be the best way to do it be at least it worked for me.
There is an error in the link - "webservice_client" is doubled at the end :)
• Download and unzip gsoap package from soure forge.
• gsoap package contains pre-built tools in “gsoap/bin” directory.
wsdl2h schema importer
soap2cpp stub/skeleton generator.
• You require .wsdl and .xsd files of web service to generate c++ stub.
• First use wsdl2h on .wsdl file it will generate .h file, then use soapcpp2 on generated .h file, this will generate .h and .cpp files to be included in Qt project.
• Before usinf wsdl2h you have to modify “typemap.dat” file, this file is present in ‘gsoap/ws’ directory. Add a line in this file defining namespace of your webservice. Give any name to namespace and copy string from your .wsdl file following the tag.
<definitions targetNamespace=http://something>
Add this line to “typemap.dat” file
Anyting =”http://something”.
• Now run wsdl2h on .wsdl and .xsd files (from command prompt)
wsdl2h –s -t(path of typemap.dat) –o (name of generated .h file e.g chatpp.h) pathand name of .wsdl file
(note .xsd file should be in same directory as .wsdl file)
• Then use soapcpp2 on generated .h file (we assume that name of generated file is chatapp.h)
soapcpp2 –i chatpp.h
this will generate multiple files
and a xml file for each method in defined in .wsdl file.
• now add
as headers in to your qt project and then add
as source
• add include path of yor generated file in .pro file of your qt project or simply copy all of generated files to your project directory. Also add path of “libws2_32.a” in your .pro file I my case it is as under
LIBS += C:/NokiaQTSDK/mingw/lib/libws2_32.a
• also add stdsoap2.h and stdsoap2.cpp from gsoap directory as header and source in your project.
• now include chatapp.nsmap and chatappProxy.h in your main.cpp.
make an object of chatappProxy and use it to communicate with webservice.
(above method worked for me while using gsoap with NokiaQtSDk on windows xp. ) -
TobbY can you share how you managed to solve your problem? Maybe others could benefit from this
Hey there. I've followed all those steps and whenever I try to include the gsoap headers in a class other than the main.cpp i get this error when running the project in Qt Creator:
mwldsym2.exe: Multiply defined symbol: struct Namespace * namespaces (?namespaces@@3PAUNamespace@@A) in
mwldsym2.exe: files moc_maxintervaltimer.o, maxintervaltimer.o