HLS playback in Qt 6 in Windows ?
I'm trying to port over my application to Qt 6, but I'm having issues with HLS playback support in Windows. It works perfectly in Qt 5.15 but not under Qt 6. Even tried the just released beta of 6.5.0 but mediaplayer example just says "Could not open file".
Is HLS not yet supported ? The url plays fine in ffmpeg, afaik shouldn't Qt Multimedia use ffmpeg these days on all platforms ? -
If memory serves well you need to set the
environment variable to ffmpeg for now. -
@SGaist thanks, that seems to work, but HLS stream still won't play :(
@oniongarlic do you have any error message about it ?
@SGaist no, just the "Could not open file" that seems to come from the ffmpeg qt support code. This is with the release version of 6.5
I tried with QT_FFMPEG_DEBUG but that didn't give anything extra, just:
[NULL @ 000001b18339df80] Opening 'http://...secrethost.../index.m3u8' for reading
and nothing else. (Playing local file give a lot of debug output)
This works fine in both Linux and MacOS and ffplay on Windows the from command line plays the network media just fine.
Seems to be a known bug, ffmpeg is built without network support in 6.5.0 and seems to be fixed in 6.5.1, whenever that comes along.
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-111378 -
So 6.5.1 is out and this should now be fixed, but nope, it starts, debug output shows hls playlist information but the it just ends with "Operation not permitted". Same url works with ffplay just fine. sigh.