QT 5.12.11 add mng support
Hi,I have to use mng format in the work. I use qt 5.12.11 , not find mng support. I found imageformats the Qt Image Format module has the code of mng,I change the qtimageformats-config.pri and open the mng support (QT.imageformats_private.enabled_features = tiff webp mng),but it will changed to " QT.imageformats_private.enabled_features = tiff webp" when code building. I appreciate your help.
@lgxiao said in QT 5.12.11 add mng support:
when code building
Then please check the config.log file - probably something is missing (some library), so it is disabled.
@jsulm said in QT 5.12.11 add mng support:
Then please check the config.log file - probably something is missing (some library), so it is disabled.
Thank you for your advice. Finally , I found the disable configuration is in "/src/imageformats/configure.json" , change the mng condition to features.imageformatplugin ,this works.