Boot 2 QT V. 6.3.1 raspberrypi 4
Hello, Everyone please help me to solve this error.
After I flash the b2qt to the SD card It Works with raspberry pi 4 without problems but I Got the error with the Qt creator after
I try to test the Linux remote devices the error showed in the picture. If anyone faced this problem and solved this problem (Device test failed.), please help.And this second problem.
I try to ignore the Device test failed error and after I config the Kit and compiler and Deploy the project I got this error
I haven't used it yet but from the first picture it seems your device is missing the base64 utility.
If memory serves well, it's based on the yocto project so you would need to add the coreutils to your recipe.
Hello SGaist , I found this on the Qt website : link text but I didn't find the "base64.cfg" file.
And in my case, the path is totally different from the website.
On the website, the base64.cfg is in the
in my case
"./sources/poky/meta-poky/recipes-core/busybox/defconfig"I try to edit the defconfig file instate of base64.cfg and after bitbake the results are the same "base64 not found"
The link you posted shows a patch that adds the
file. -
Or apply the patch to create and use it.
I also have the same error when using a re-terminal device. But I'm still able to deploy my app with no issues. You should be able to deploy your app on your rpi board with base64 missing. If your app fails to launch, ssh to your board and launch the app manually from CLI. You will get the error messages.