Layout for QScrollArea to expand Horizontally&Vertically
General and Desktop
I am trying to create widget like this:
I need to use QScrollArea for more than 100+ items.When I use QGridLayout I get result like this, the buttons not expanding Horizontally.
This is result when I use QHBoxLayout
Part of my code:
ETag.hclass ETagManager : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT QList<ETag*> activeTags; QList<ETag*> inactiveTags; QWidget* widActive = new QWidget(), * widInactive = new QWidget(); QScrollArea* scrollActive= new QScrollArea(), *scrollInactive= new QScrollArea(); QVBoxLayout* layTotal; //QGridLayout* layActive, * layInactive; QHBoxLayout* layActive, * layInactive; public: ETagManager(); void Add(ETag*btn, bool active=false); }; class ETag : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT ETagData* data = nullptr; public: ETag(ETagData* _data, QString text); void setActive(bool active); };
ETagManager::ETagManager() { scrollActive->setWidgetResizable(true); scrollInactive->setWidgetResizable(true); scrollActive->setStyleSheet("border:none"); scrollActive->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); scrollInactive->setStyleSheet("border:none"); scrollInactive->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); layTotal = new QVBoxLayout(this); layActive = new QHBoxLayout(widActive); layInactive = new QHBoxLayout(widInactive); widActive->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); widInactive->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); //layActive = new QGridLayout(widActive); //layInactive = new QGridLayout(widInactive); layTotal->addWidget(scrollActive); layTotal->addWidget(scrollInactive); scrollActive->setWidget(widActive); scrollInactive->setWidget(widInactive); layActive->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignLeft); layInactive->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft); //layActive->addStretch(); //layInactive->addStretch(); setLayout(layTotal); //setStyleSheet("background-color:yellow"); } void ETagManager::Add(ETag* btn, bool active) { if (active) { this->activeTags.append(btn); layActive->addWidget(btn); //layActive->insertWidget(layActive->count()-1, btn); } else { this->inactiveTags.append(btn); scrollInactive->sizePolicy().setVerticalStretch(1); scrollInactive->sizePolicy().setHorizontalStretch(1); //layInactive->addWidget(btn,i/5,i%5,1,1); layInactive->insertWidget(layInactive->count()-1, btn); } } ETag::ETag(ETagData *_data, QString text) { this->data = _data; setText(text); adjustSize(); int w = width(); qDebug() << w; QString stylesh = QString(R"( background-color:%1; color:%2; border:2px solid %2; border-radius:%4px; padding-left:20px; padding-right:20px; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px; )").arg(data->>; setStyleSheet(stylesh); //setFixedWidth(50); }
There's no built-in layout that will do what you want, but Qt comes with examples, and one of them is a custom Flow Layout that behaves like what the picture shows - fits as many items as it can in a line and then moves to the next. Take a look: Flow Layout. You might be able to take it directly or tweak a little to match what you need.
@Chris-Kawa This worked, thank you very much!
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