[QBS] How to connect COSMIC compiler
Really thank you for helping me, but of couse I did all as you say and it didn`t work.
You need to set the
Show command line
check-box inBuild Steps
of yourProjects
side pane options. Then we can see the real compiler invokes and they errors.You can start at first from the simple
application.Reffering to discord server doesn`t work, maybe you can to send a invitation.
Try this.
Seems your Qbs configuration is wrong. Please show the Qbs profile settings (screenshoot with expanded items) for your
kit (fromTools->Options->Qbs->Profiles
).If you prefer russian lang I would waiting in discord
No, I will there a later.
Hmm.. what's QtCreator version is? Need to use at least v6.0.2 (because there are Qbs 1.21).
Try to re-start the QtCreator, then clear all
files from the sources of your project and then re-open yourtest
project againfrom scratch
. -
Well, right now the Qbs invokes the cosmic compiler.
Seems, you need in the cosmic linker files
that is the cosmic-dependend stuff. Please read the cosmic compiler manual how to compile the simple application (what's you need for this).Maybe you need in
stub as here.Also, due to the COSMIC is an very outdated toolchain, then maybe you need to place your project with the short paths as possible (because the cosmic has a limitations for that).