problem opening one instance of every Widget(form) and deleting it ...
Hi ~~~
i have multi forms ... and mainwindow .. with a Menu inside it a lot of buttons .. every button connected with a special form
i want if i click to a button it opens the needed form only one time (one instance) .. and if i close it it release the memory ... if i open it once again it open ...
every form i want it to open just one instance ...
for example
this would open new instance everytime i clicked and clear memory without problemactivatesoft* actsoft = new activatesoft(); actsoft->show(); actsoft->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT benefits* benefit=NULL; // if i set this as private variable the software crashes if i open the form second time (after one close) }
MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; //// i tried this too delete benefit but it doesn't work benefit->deleteLater(); }
and this : if (!benefit) benefit = new benefits(); benefit->show();
would open just one instance but even if i delete it it doesn't release the used memory
is there any solution
How did you check that deleteLater() (or a direct delete) does not work?
the same yes it doesn't work may be my problem was i deleting it on mainwindow destructor .. not benefit one ...
mainwindow is the parent
if i put the instance as private variable .. it release the memory once the window closes ... but if i open it once again the software crashes -
Please re-read your last post and think about it if anyone except you understands what you're trying to tell us.
i have multi forms ... and mainwindow .. with a Menu inside it a lot of buttons .. every button connected with a special form
i want if i click to a button it opens the needed form only one time (one instance) .. and if i close it it release the memory ... if i open it once again it open ...
every form i want it to open just one instance ... -
In a word: why don't you just have an instance (not a pointer to) of this widget/form in your main window? No need tonew
. One instance.. Sounds like just what you want? -
Then don't delete it on close and re-open this instance later on - basic c++ stuff, nothing Qt-specific.
Thank you so much for helping i will try that
i still new on c++
just trying bruce lee methods to learn things as it can be when i hit a barrier .. i search for solution ... until i reach most of its databaseThank you all of you
@JonB it works bro thank you
problem fixed
when i tried this before it doesn't open the window at all ... just flashing but now i understand why it's working
Thank you <3